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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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6 benefits of a morning detox drink 

Everyone benefits from naturally boosting energy. Early morning energy boosters promote the flow of inspiration and seeing everything more clearly, including where you are and where you think you wish to be. If you are considering or already engaging in life coaching, you benefit from shaking yourself up. This is about being open to seeing life in a whole new way.

This post is not about coffee, tea or any form of caffeine that you may come to consume. Its about a natural detox that triggers revelations. This is about triggering revelations as stepping stones to a healthier lifestyle and a more purposeful existence. Any ideas come to you yet?

Intuit citrus: squeeze about 1/2 to 1 full lemon (depending on size) into an 8 oz glass of warm or room temperature pure water.  This is gentler on your body first thing in the morning compared to ice cold water.  Slicing the lemon into quarters before squeezing is helpful. Drink at least 10 minutes before eating any food. You may still ask how this drink is allowing you to function at optimum levels. Ponder 6 benefits of this morning detox drink:

1. Lemons contain powerful antibacterial and antiviral  components.

As lemons contain these properties, drinking lemon water promotes cleaner oral hygiene and fresher breath. This morning detox drink complements a coconut oil pull that removes bacteria (swishing coconut oil 10 min before)

2. Lemons supercharge our immunity.

They contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene so that the body can more efficiently fight infection, self-heal and rebalance. This allows focusing energy and well-being in new directions.

3. Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat.

This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. Yet, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. Minerals in lemons actually help to alkalize the blood.  Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar/ grains).  Drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints.

4.  Lemons improve digestion.

Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion. The result is you feel revitalized rather than drained, in better shape to take on the world and do what you exist to do.

5. Lemons boost energy.

Even the scent of lemon juice uplifts mood and energy levels, reducing stress and anxiety. 

6. Helps you to lose fat.

Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy, this all combines to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance.