6 Ways to re-align what ails you

Many people who feel discomfort or unease do not always realize it translates details of energy states. To consult an energy healer is one way to help uncover and localize some of your core imbalances. Consider these exercises you can do alone to help open your mind and explore some core issues;
1) Heed "ah-ha" moments. A series of events will lead to a moment of realisation. This may trigger a series of painful experiences you had repressed or, other intense emotions selectively disregarded and forgotten. Difficult memories emerge as you admit you are not being true to self. Emotions present as a gauge for you to learn why you generate them.
2) Raise self-awareness. Notice how certain life choices weaken your sense of core foundations, principles and values. Recall a situation where you did not listen to your inner voice. Reminisce of the stress or turbulence that ensued. Feel the energy imbalance. Use this to identify how beliefs formed to justify what you did not wish to do, but did anyway.
3) Realize what you resist. What you think is authentic or real in life progressively dissolves. It may be a condition, job, relationship, whatever clarifies who you believe you are. As you evolve to recognize which ideas have been instilled, you gradually peel those away to uncover what you resist.
4) Restore faith in yourself. A shift in awareness can lead to sudden feelings of betrayal and identity crisis. As you begin to grasp how you create and perpetuate illusions, you can choose to replace distorted ideas and initiate self-healing.
5) Build resilience. Some people relate staying power to developing physical endurance. To expand, incorporate psychological and spiritual angles. Decide to nuture positive thoughts and accept what you cannot change outside yourself. Cumulative effects are incredibly powerful. As you gain insight into core rhythms and energies, you begin to grasp how the vibration and frequency of your energy body affect how you feel and what you perceive.
6) Brainstorm harmony. Each person has a sense of what creates and takes away from harmony. Energy you experience travels in waves, patterns and movements that affect your changing states. Some experiences will seem more challenging. Yet, those are the ones that are most enriching. They invite you to stretch and redefine balance and well-being. As this process of re-aligning becomes more conscious and deliberate, you sense harmony that defies words.