Break the parameters of normal perception

How often have you said, "I only believe what I see," and really meant it? What do you imagine it would feel like to free yourself from limiting thought patterns? Are you ready to taste a deeper and more intricate reality? Is your mind prepared for all the bright light and vibrational stimulation?
The mind can detect thought patterns that escaped your conscious awareness before. You can evolve to see energy as it flows in the universe, how balls of energy form transparent beings of light around you. Energy fields frame these geometric forms. Strings seem to link their halos to infinity. Do you see humans as they really are, beneath their skin?
Let's say you detect a break in the continuity of time. Learn what it means to interrupt your perceived flow of continuity. Allow yourself to clarify your intent during inner silence. You will observe and absorb something specific that defies explanation in familiar terms. Your inner awareness of everything guides what you're ready to see and when.
Unbeknownst to your conscious mind, each thought and action you undertake is preparing you to embrace things your linear, rational mind tells you its not ready to grasp or accept. What would it mean if you ceased being objective and subjective? Ease into spherical time.