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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in soul (109)


Why do you exist now?

The classic phrase, 'to be or not to be' overlooks the fact that something you identify with exists already in form. That does not mean everyone feels confident to clarify why they exist now. Some people struggle to define purpose or direction. Others say getting lost is purposeful for this enables them to be found. What about you? Why are you here now?

As you brainstorm, recall you have a body, mind and spirit and are free to imagine infinite scenarios. Share key ideas that arise in mind. Here are 12 perspectives shared by readers;

1) To learn how all emotion shapes perspective.

2) To be aware ofthe body's reaction to the ego-mind.

3) To realize happiness is only after you surrender totally.

4) To isolate reasons for pain and learn to heal wounds.

5) To ascertain the path guides you so you cannot get lost.

6) To see enlightenment is not attainment, but revelation.

7) To identify your illusions and dissolve them.

8) To laugh for no reason and reclaim peaceful, inner power.

9) To free oneself from a quest for meaning.

10) To be humbled about the usefulness of time and space.

11) To release struggle and evolve to seeconcern is illusion.

12) To find truth in unconditional love beyond a life situation


How to build unshakable confidence

Something happened or, maybe you believe a series of events happened, to explain why doubt is permitted to exert such a hold over your mind. Human beings attune to intuition and trust the body implicitly to signal hunger yet, resist accepting other signs within that actually guide all facets of existence.  How does one build unshakable confidence in the core self?

1) Cultvate awareness all feelings allow you to grow.  Defeat, disappointment, and self-pity focus attention on loss, setbacks and dramas.  Uplifting energy is always offered from all directions.  The physical body generates negative energy as an urgent strategy to prompt you to pay closer attention.

2) Retain meaningful gems from every experience.  For whatever reason, the mind may nurture unhealthy or unrealistic ideas of which situation or relationship is best for you at a given moment.  This is an opportunity to learn to be kinder to yourself, to accept learning occurs in stages.  Be more alert to timeless wisdom readily found in unexpected places. 

3) Notice you believe what you choose.  Regardless of what the mind, body, spirit and experiences present, every fear based excuse you generate alters degrees of inner strength and self-acceptance.  You hold capacity to convince the self of anything through your decision of what is valid and intended.

4) Recognize love guides everything.  Every human being is more energetically-evolved than is consciously registered or grasped at this moment. As you teach the self to shift focus from moment to moment, you are bringing to conscious awareness your power to eliminate discontent and apparent reasons for it. Fear is generated as a projection about a possible future that you do not have to create. Love energy heals all. Unhappiness does not exist right now. It never has.

5) Jog the memory about immortality.  As unrecognized fear is detected and dissolved, it is easier to fathom energy evolves through physical and non-physical journeys. Implications are enormous.  While emotion hijacks attention, the mind blocks its own access to infinite inner knowing.  What is and what is in process of unfolding, remain denied.

6) Acknowledge the power of oneeness. Deliberate steps revive spiritual growth and evolutionary advancement. Human beings have different ways of understanding what this means and how it takes shape. Oneness recognizes all is connected. That is, everything and everyone builds collective energy.

7) View physical laws as overly restrictive. Rules are opportunities to uncover hidden beliefs that create them. Ego perception hampers accessing knowledge of innate abilities, ongoing non-physical cycles and obstacles to accepting personal responsibility. Humans often sceptical of levitation, moving physical objects with thoughts as well as phenomena that defy assumptions about physical laws. To explore the nature of energy reveals diverse misunderstandings.


Why learn to split consciousness?

Relatively few human beings have mastered the ability of being physically in more than one place at once. This is the ability to create and maintain energy vibrations in two separate physical bodies. You might imagine this requires deep focus and much energy. This something to work toward if you choose.

At the same time, every being is capable of learning to split consciousness, that is, to have that part of self in more than one place at once. Why choose to develop such an ability?

1) Recall how your body is an integrated energy dynamic.

2) Awaken the hard drive of untapped abilities in the soul.

3) Check what is goes on where you physical body is not.

4) Explore synchrony as precursor to heightening sensitivity.

5) Use thought and vision to awaken telepathic ability.

6) Discover a range of existences beyond physical reality.


7 Ways to make core adjustments

Human conditioning encourages you to continue living as you do without question.  Every person can evolve to recognize certain perceptions and behaviours would benefit from changes. Consider 7 ways to make core adjustments;

1) Tackle what you fear. Discomfort and restlessness reveal things that you deny or avoid. When you repress something, it gradually surfaces to reveal itself. As you come to identify the source of your fear, you are empowered to the truth as it is, that fear is all in the mind.

2) Recognize value in extremes. Emotional tailspins suggest you are not dealing with key lessons you incarnate in the physical to learn. To sense intense energy is no accident. It invites you to be more honest.  Anger is always misplaced and urges you shift focus back to love. Extremes point out you misunderstand who you are and why you exist now. Making hasty judgments about senses or emotion expands your insight into the power of fluctuating energy.

3) Re-interpret inner storms. When the mind is quiet and conditioned reactions subside, its easier to make sense of turbulence. Physical choices do not control you and neither does a passing environment. Perceived mistakes and reasons for resentment pave the way for deeper healing. Its an opportunity to review where you are and grasp intrinsic value.

4) Detect ego patterns. Assumptions about ego are misleading. Its not necessary to change who you are in relation to what you experience, only to dissolve negative reactions. One can evolve to discern absolute soul ego reflected through misplaced human ego, grow to act more maturely.

5) Reconnect with soul. As you meditate and take other steps to reach your inner self, you consciously link layers of the mind that are fragmented to delude you. An absence of mental discipline permits the mind to drift and dissociate.

6) Align energy and intuition. This helps one grasp how a soul pre-selects the person with whom to associate in a given incarnation. Despite this, soul does not exert absolute control over the body and must adapt to the personality and internalized conflicts of the body.

7) Tailor how you use energy. To reach a productive phase of contact with soul means you recognize options for energy expression. You shape the direction and intensity of vibration.  How you respond to negativity, whether or not you flinch at difficult conditions that present, determines how much energy remains to be used for other purposes.


Discern energy as a self-portrait

Every human being is in the process of making choices in the physical world.  Every thought and feeling has an energy vibration that contributes to multi-dimensional patterns.  That is, sheets of energy vibrate on frequencies undetected by conscious radar.  What does it mean to your sense of realities?

Although a being's sense of "normal" experience is expanding, not every being chooses to be consciously aware.  In cases where you experience phenomena that other beings do not acknowledge or accept, they may view wider perception as 'extra-sensory' or, beyond explanation.  This reveals that perspectives can be rigid and static or flexible and fluctuating.

To take this a step further, consider mental attunement.  As you begin discerning energy vibration, you can learn to consciously discipline the mind and notice your own energy differently.  This is a new level of self-discipline. As you begin to mentally scan a variety of possibilities and timelines, what you take in with human senses changes. You begin to tap into altered realities and learn to shift interchangeable outcomes.

Consider how human beings question which aspects of their physical lives are illusions. Human beings do not always trust what they discern using their basic senses. They often doubt, scoff or disbelieve. Among those who do evolve to trust, some evolve further to experience intelligent light energy. This is a means of opening a door to much deeper consciousness.

By and by, you may come to discern energy as a soul mirror and self-portrait. The intensity of energy you feel through attitude, beliefs, emotion and unattained ambitions, offers insight into states of your character. The energy vibrations you receive determine whether you absorb uncluttered truths and to what degree you continue to perpetuate misunderstanding.

As one chooses to widen vision, to sense possibilities, one slowly reads energy. To sense soul-level energy is to begin to grasp form and features change based on one's personality and mental blocks. What you are willing to experience differs from what is. Mind power makes it possible for anyone to discern color and texture of energy layers and what exists in between.