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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in healing (39)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Shower of Change


I ws in the shower.  I did not physically ressembe my current appearance. I had short black hair and I was a cartoon character. As the water came down on my body, the colour was washed off and there was nothing left. 

This may be viewed as a shapeshifting dream.  It is a reminder of what Shakespeare reminds us: "All the world's a stage and men and women are only players."

Water dreams or falling water echo we are healing from the past, and optimistic about things. It also refers to purifying ourselves physically and spiritually to preparing for new realities where we realize a different state of mind and being.  If showering or bathing evokes unsettled thoughts or feeling "dirty", something deeper may need to be addressed. These generally include emotionally distressing or stressful situations that arise for acceptance and healing.

To dream that our life or body is a cartoon implies we don't take life too seriously or would be better off if we found ways to lighten up.. This could mean we would benefit from growing aware of a stressful habits or thinking patterns.  Consider it a possible wake up call to reframe our life, to remind us we can always shift perspective.  We can always erase a version of ourselves through integrating lessons and/or letting go of what we outgrow.

When rewriting (or rescripting) our dreams, we are growing more conscious of who we are and our true power.  This is a way to actively approach the storyboard of our soul journey. That is, we close our eyes and run through the images in our mind, and then rewind the image and rewrite it – rewrite the story, in whatever way we choose. In essence, we are taking charge of the image on our own terms.  At any given moment, we realize we decide how we wish to feel and where we will allow energy to flow.  When focused, every thought and feeling can be harsessed and redirected consciously. 

Dream Analysis of the Week- Cancer & Relief


In the dream, my mother had cancer in her lower body and doctors said it was spreading. She was mostly confined to bed and accepted medication. I wanted to know how to heal her disease.  She was disinterested.


On a basic level, we cannot control or change others, only how we respond to them.The point of view (beliefs) of the experiencer strongly influences the outcome.   

The scientist would describe an ailment based on his language, conditioning and understanding.  A shaman might tune into deep hurt, longstanding resentment, a deep secret or grief eating away at the self of the client. Those who tune into energy sense cancer emits a vibration that reflects the experiencer holds hatreds or grudges. If disheartened, the experiencer may say, “What’s the use?”

Many people limit sense of things to the physical bosy, that which appears to be born and assumes it will die. This view alone underestimates the power of the mind.  Humans are always affected by the energy of their attitudes.  Someone who has a superiority complex or who is aggressive and violent, is on a downward spiral.  They are weakened in their heart, mind and solar plexus where emotional attitudes are held.  In the Andes, people often attribute an aching stomach to have been caused by sorrow.

People who harbour hatred inevitably experience conflicts with relationships, and imbalances in material world.  All this reflects degeneration on a cellular level.  Evaluating energy centres of the dreamer is often advisable.

The dreamer would be wise to reflect on energy levels, whether there exists a craving for affection or a fear of certain kinds of treatment or environments. What makes you feel excluded or ignored?

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams as part of individual sessions or psychotherapy.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Get to root of dis-ease

Notice we must each get to the root of our dis-ease (discomfort) if we truly want freedom to be our reality. How deeply can we heal our bodies or the bodies of loved ones when it comes to healing? How can energies outside the body be harnessed to heal? The energy that made the body can heal the body.
The what always comes before the how. The feeling or sense of direction presents itself in conscious awareness before the path that allows it to happen, before even clarity of exactly what is blossomin through us or in our midst. We get cues from body signs and signals, the environment. Opportunities show up. We may act in the moment before mind attempts to talk us out of it.
Trusting our gut is just as important as listening and allowing ourselves to tune into subtle senses. It helps to make deliberate choices, about relationships and situations we engage in. We can empower ourselves by deciding to stay engaged for a period, create boundaries, or an exit plan rather than allow others to create our limits, decide for us, take the upper hand. The ball is always in our court.
Consider dreams are the brain’s way of processing information that’s left over from each day. They are rich with valuable data – experiences, memories, learnings. Theya re valuable tools to work with if we allow this. Paying attention to dreams can provide information that we may not have access to when awake. Before falling asleep, we can turn our thoughts to any unresolved issues or situation. Focus energy on exploring options or resolutions as we fall asleep. This is an exercise in both self-directedness and surrender

Play to stretch body-mind

Notice new experiences stretch mind- body. Some question the difference between spontaneous and impulsive. This journey challenges self-created limits, nudges us out of comfort zones. Everything unfolding invites us to deepen connection to the heart. Where to from here? Options are as unique as snowflakes.
As we immerse into spontaneous movement, twiddle our fingers, move our shoulders and hips and rest of the body, sing, we rediscover the power of free spirit enables us to feel more alive. Exchanges with like-minded souls spark more curiousity, elicit humor, nurture growth, even unforeseen healing. When we feel stuck, indecisive, lack confidence, allowing our playful spirit expression is like giving ourselves permission to shake up and let go of our illusions. Things can fall into place without control. Where the mind is too serious and constricted, then life feels too confining.
The key to remembering who we are and being that arises from free-flowing, heartfelt actions; jump into puddles, dance, twirl in bare feet, skip in the sand, fly in an aerial hammock, on skates, in a hangglider or some other way that enables you to be one with nature, wind and energy flow of existence. Let the body move. Let Soul be your pilot. See what happens, what shakes itself out.
A widely forgotten truth is that the genius of play naturally guides us to pay attention and focus on what matters. Play is not only about ourselves. Its about how are we relate to environments, energy flow, others and the world around us. We can pay attention to the body-mind and sacred heart in a whole new way. Discover the joy spontaneity evokes and rekindles any moment.



Tune into Kairos Time

Notice part of you already knows the outcome but you are here anyway as events must still play out to activate the alchemy. Life unfolds as energy flow which is the ultimate timekeeper. Among all creatures, HUmans are the only ones who measure time and suffer fear of time running out. Ancient Greeks spoke of two types of time: Chronos time is linear time, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, years. It is required to do normal everyday "time." Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon. Kairos time is soul time. It is the point at which all healing happens, where all wisdom and intuition resides, where all serendipity happens and where all creative ideas arise into consciousness within you whole. Retrain the mind: more kairos and less chronos time. Love more. Work less. Connect with the wise, greater part of yourself. Embody all you came here to be. Express who you are at soul level, fall into harmony with the universe. Imagine your inner light, soul, spirit, ancient self. The part of you bridging heaven and earth, constantly whispering the best course to take. This timeless, tender part of you invites you to listen and allow it to navigate the most compelling life direction.