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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Cosmic Synchronicity

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Listen to the heart

Every moment of every day, many choices present to you. Notice which ones capture your attention and which ones you ignore. You encounter different teachers at different life stages too. Whenever you are ready a new one appears. 

Family and friends offer their perspective on your life based on how they see you. An intuitive coach acts as a more objective soundboard to allow you to recognize more clearly how you see yourself and helps you rediscover the real you.  Imagine an insightful observer using a toolkit of skills and experiences to assist you on your path. Does it resonate?

To listen to the heart is to make choices based on love that allow you to grow, to gain new insight into your life, to tune into what feels right, empowers you to see the world anew.

To live based on the logic of the mind is to second guess or doubt yourself, to act based on emotion or judgement, to procrastinate or belittle what your heart feels is important.

Every moment, you can choose to take steps to expand consciousness.  Simply be willing to review the nature of your perception and perceived life conditions.  Find the courage to review why you think, feel and believe all you do.  When you are ready to experience life on a whole new level, contact us. Collaboration, commitment and curiosity to propel growth.