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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in telepathy (15)


Savour the journey

Things you feel are finding their way into your experience. You control what is coming into your life and when. This physical existence is about the process of unfolding not outcomes. Recognize that from the vantage point of non-physical energy, you know you constantly generate desires and you prefer things beyond what you are living now. You set the parameters for what presents. You project yourself mentally anywhere you choose to go. Know what you want and be a vibrational match.  Be like Nike-Just do it.

The nature of desire propels you forward and encourages you to appreciate the power of desires unfulfilled. In the idea of wanting more, source energy becomes it. Sense benefis in dissatisfaction. You know what you want more clearly as you step back from the limited perception of the physical. As you choose to tune in to the vibrational patterning of what you are not yet seeing physical evidence for, you sense the world from a broader, higher vibration. Know all you want is all you are and sense that.

You are always developing, growing, expanding and manifesting based on how you make the best of things all along the way. Imagine yourself as a potter enjoying the process of creating with clay and having fun. Imagine yourself as a sculptor, a painter, a composer, focused only on the end result and ignoring the magic of the creating. Why shift away from the joy to be felt all along the journey? Choose to love the perpetual incompleteness of you. Notice the positive energy you generate in states of anticipation. What you think and how you feel is always a vibrational match. Alter perception and transform experience.

Savour every aspect of this journey and expand. Train yourself to view everything through the eyes of the widest perspective. Vibrate in a non-resistant state of being. When you have full view of expanding reality as conscious source energy, you expect and know your unlimited potential. You sense yourself vibrationally, know all is well from every angle, recognize the veil of illusion for its teaching, engage in remarkable telepathic and teleportation experiences and things beyond description.


How are you a transmitter?

What would you say if you began to feel like a transmitter, a relay station for incoming and outgoing energy vibrations?  Like any instrument, the accuracy of transmission depends of the receptiveness and awareness of mind and brain and links to the Source.

Even now, your creative expression is inspired by the strengthening of your inner hearing.  What is this? It is what happens as you remember how to shift focus from the external to internal mental plane.    It is how you experience telepathy, divine inspiration, and other kinds of soul-level communication.  To tune into the reservoir of universal thought is to attune to the wise voice of silence.

Human beings will ask, where do dreams, inventions and inklings originate? One view is everything emerges as energy and sound from nowhere.  You call soul into action and resist the flow or not.  When there is no hindrance, it flows to unleash Cosmic Synchronicity.   


What is growing more prevalent?

Ever notice that where you focus your attention is magnifed? That is, if you fear something, it seems to grow and come after you or produce whatever feeling interplay mirrors your inner self.  Until awareness or conscious understanding of feelings is broadcast and received by parts of the body, little progress or change is noticed.

On another level, in terms of sending telepathic signals, how often do you sense the receiver does not get it? Some people wish for someone to come home with a quart of milk and wonder why the other person does not read their mind in transit. The most effective messages stream from heart, but the heart of what? You feel the truth inside.

On still another level, you may forget that different parts of self are interacting and communicating in more ways than you consciously follow.  Those exchanges that involve consciousness may find analogy on the physical plane, but they are noticed moreseo based on sensitivity of other energetic impressions.   Recall Cosmic Synchroncity.


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality Part II

There is the idea that human beings are gradually becoming aware of their own true nature. On November 22, I interviewed Ben Abba on Blog Talk Radio about his new book and unique research into immortality. This is the second part of a written interview inspired by that archived BTR interview.

In your research, have you encountered female immortals? (beings in female bodies).

1 that is near 160 years of age.
Why only 1 woman so far ? I can only speculate at this time.

Do immortals as you know them consciously interconnect amongst themselves?

Another shocker ... no!

Telepathy is one skill that human beings are awakening to within on a wider scale.  Is this something immortals in your research use?

Not sure, I have evidence of some or partial telepathy; but not fully telepathic.

You say your work background is in the financial sector. What sort of impact does research into longevity and super-centernarians have on your view of your livelihood and your sense of true self?

A very positive one once I applied my knowledge of "health abundance"

Do you sense you (as a "modern" man) have more impact on the immortals you discover or, would you say they have more of an impact on your conscious awakening? Why? 

I have always sensed that they have a greater impact on me and often worried how could i return the favor, in so way.  Now, as I discussed on todays show, I can see a possible way to have some positive impact on them as well.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear; or in our case, another enlighten being that will solve a problem that needs to be solved.

What advice can you offer a person who wants to live forever but does not wish to trade his soul for immortality?

Start each morning stating firmly, clearly, and from the heart:  "I am an immortal".  Reading my blogs & books, listening to my interviews will help even more.

As you sense and accept you live forever, how does this change your priorities? That is, what lifestyle and belief shifts do you notice inside?

As I stated in interview, my priorities to eat healthier, to reduce the stress in my life, to choose less stressful work has become a higher priority for me.

How do you see science fiction influences what human beings believe or disbelieve about lifespans?

In some cases, I believe science fiction has opened the doors and minds within all of us, to ideas that were "impossible" years ago.

More and more people feel internal energy shifts, and raising consciousness of abilities they did not  previously sense or accept. Other than evolving views about immortality, what shifts do you sense within?

More love, less fear, more confidence, less worries, more abundance, less lack, more energy, less fatigue in my life.

How does your research into immortality invite you to face and overcome different levels of fear and illusion?

Fear of death is a very controlling part of our lives; without that fear, we feel more free, and act even free-er.

What kinds of implications do you sense in society, based on the information on immortality you are uncovering?

Intense fear of the possibility that immortality is possible has been quite shocking.  The possibility of removing the fear of death is even more fearful to those who believe death, in particular a shorter lifespan benefits society.

Thanks again Ben.  I invite visitors interested in longevity on a whole new level to check out his website to learn more about his book, Secrets of an Immortal: Eyewitness Account of 2,800 of History, another new book he contributes to by Wayne Dyer, Wake up & Live the Life You Want;


When is the journey complete?

Many people continue to ask what ascension means and what experience is unfolding.  You may sense expanding telepathy, unforeseen capacities and transforming DNA. Waves of energy are beyond the range of the logical mind. Watch this clip. What does this tell you about your internal ongoing transformation? How do you feel about gratitude and self-acceptance now?