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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in divinity (4)


Connect with Inner Beauty

(lotus flower from )

Notice as we grow ready and willing to see more of ourselves, to integrate both light and dark, we suddenly grow more aware of the intricate details of our immeditate surroundings. As we feel more whole and complete, the scope of our multisensual experience expands. What ego was conditioned to overlook, criticize, or write off as ugly, repulsive, becomes cute, cuddle, beautiful. The more we come to see beauty in the external, the more in touch we are to innate beauty and no boundaries with our unique divinity. We are learning about the vehicle we created. Rather than identify with issues that arise, meet it and see it from the perspective of your greatness.  


Reach a New Milestone

Notice as we reach a new milestone, come to the end of something, or feel ready to close a life chapter, the thinking mind would like to clarify what is next, or cling somehow to the familliar. It may seem like such a jungle "out there" and evoke fear and confusion. Looking for clarity and the nature of the game? Go deep inside. Travel inward. Uncover our timeless inner resources. Bravely explore the unknown. See where this winding journey takes us. Spread those wings!


Appreciate the ego-mind

It is often assumed the ego-mind is something to suppress or eliminate as if it is bad or not helpful.  It is also sometimes said that you only think with the ego-mind and feel through the heart.  Watch what happens as you choose to view every thought and perception as a teacher that is offering insight into your false (conditioned) Self:

1) Begin to notice what triggers your own inner judge.

2) Begin to sense all words are merely pointers to how feelings about them. (Words only hold importance until the moment you see this reflects a conditioned sense self-importance. To recognize right and wrong only exist in the ego-mind is to cease to allow this ego to control you) 

3) Begin to rely less on the external world (your projections) for teachings and openly receive insight through the inner guru.  (As innate confidence reveals itself as ever-present, you begin to recognize it is not arrogance but a reflection of acceptance of what is)

4) Begin to view the ego-mind & heart as one.  To align with who you are is to feel whole, one (at peace) with everything, regardless of what anyone says or does not say, does or does not do.  (One can recognize / radiate divinity while in physical body)

The heart/mind align to the degree you are true to yourself.  Being honest with yourself about how you feel is natural unless it is conditioned out of you.  Each time you grow aware of a belief that no longer serves you, an emotion other than unconditional love and acceptance and see it as it is, you are closer to seeing things as they are.  Doing what feels right is intuitive, instinctual. Its like soul speaking to itself.  And so it is.


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality Part II

There is the idea that human beings are gradually becoming aware of their own true nature. On November 22, I interviewed Ben Abba on Blog Talk Radio about his new book and unique research into immortality. This is the second part of a written interview inspired by that archived BTR interview.

In your research, have you encountered female immortals? (beings in female bodies).

1 that is near 160 years of age.
Why only 1 woman so far ? I can only speculate at this time.

Do immortals as you know them consciously interconnect amongst themselves?

Another shocker ... no!

Telepathy is one skill that human beings are awakening to within on a wider scale.  Is this something immortals in your research use?

Not sure, I have evidence of some or partial telepathy; but not fully telepathic.

You say your work background is in the financial sector. What sort of impact does research into longevity and super-centernarians have on your view of your livelihood and your sense of true self?

A very positive one once I applied my knowledge of "health abundance"

Do you sense you (as a "modern" man) have more impact on the immortals you discover or, would you say they have more of an impact on your conscious awakening? Why? 

I have always sensed that they have a greater impact on me and often worried how could i return the favor, in so way.  Now, as I discussed on todays show, I can see a possible way to have some positive impact on them as well.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear; or in our case, another enlighten being that will solve a problem that needs to be solved.

What advice can you offer a person who wants to live forever but does not wish to trade his soul for immortality?

Start each morning stating firmly, clearly, and from the heart:  "I am an immortal".  Reading my blogs & books, listening to my interviews will help even more.

As you sense and accept you live forever, how does this change your priorities? That is, what lifestyle and belief shifts do you notice inside?

As I stated in interview, my priorities to eat healthier, to reduce the stress in my life, to choose less stressful work has become a higher priority for me.

How do you see science fiction influences what human beings believe or disbelieve about lifespans?

In some cases, I believe science fiction has opened the doors and minds within all of us, to ideas that were "impossible" years ago.

More and more people feel internal energy shifts, and raising consciousness of abilities they did not  previously sense or accept. Other than evolving views about immortality, what shifts do you sense within?

More love, less fear, more confidence, less worries, more abundance, less lack, more energy, less fatigue in my life.

How does your research into immortality invite you to face and overcome different levels of fear and illusion?

Fear of death is a very controlling part of our lives; without that fear, we feel more free, and act even free-er.

What kinds of implications do you sense in society, based on the information on immortality you are uncovering?

Intense fear of the possibility that immortality is possible has been quite shocking.  The possibility of removing the fear of death is even more fearful to those who believe death, in particular a shorter lifespan benefits society.

Thanks again Ben.  I invite visitors interested in longevity on a whole new level to check out his website to learn more about his book, Secrets of an Immortal: Eyewitness Account of 2,800 of History, another new book he contributes to by Wayne Dyer, Wake up & Live the Life You Want;