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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in third eye (10)


Get out of your mind

The physical mind thinks its in charge and thinks it is supposed to know how everything is supposed to happen.  In truth, the physical mind can only view how things happened (past tense).  It cannot know the how before the process unfolds.  Do yourself a favor.  Stop focusing on how you can make things come about. This is not something physical mind exists to do.  Be awake.  Allow the third eye to guide you. Expand into a wider perspective.

The knowledge of how something is occurring arises in the Higher Self.  It conceives dreams and see things from the highest possible vantage point.  This implies it recognizes connections and pathways the physical mind cannot. The physical brain receives.  The physical personality mind perceives.  Open the lines of communication between the physical mind and the Higher Self.  The third eye is one possible bridge.  It links you to you.

Trust your intuition fully.  Watch for synchronicity and revel in making connections.  Allow yourself to feel the joy that builds momentum.  Being out of your logical mind is highly desirable.  Only then can you see.  Know your intrinsic value.  You recalculate it every moment along with the energy flowing in this universe.


Blindness can awaken you

Dream Analysis of the week:

An eye surgeon is preparing for surgery with a male and female assistant.  Each wears green operating room scrubs and sunglasses.  Very bright light enters the room through a round hole in the ceiling.  The surgeon is telling his assistants that his practice is built on making people physically blind so they allow themselves to see. I am waiting outside a dark -looking cave.

This dream highlights selective blindness, a willingness to expand perception and raise awareness. Consider that the surgeon, assistants, patient and every dream symbol that stands out offers you a meaningful message.  Notice how you feel about them.

Blindness often symbolises a refusal to be aware of the truth or denial of the underlying reason for a perceived problem.  Yet here, the patient is symbolically ready to go blind as a means to let go of conditioned beliefs, attachments and mental filters that prevent him from seeing things as they are. The hole in the ceiling may represent the opening of the third eye and the allowing of inner light and wisdom to flow more freely. The roundness of this hole draws attention to a sense of completeness, wholeness, perfection and the circle of life. Note whether you feel heavy or lightheaded.  Notice also how open you are to internalizing judgments.  Effective healing unfolds within. 

The cave suggests a willingness to explore the unconscious mind and your emotions. Undergoing surgery points to increasing self-awareness or openness to whatever the heart and soul are to reveal. You only see what the mind is willing to accept.

This dream also draws attention to the innersight available to you now. You require no external sight to feel the truth. Release resistance and 'remove the shades' to see the perfect being you are.  Know nothing exists to work toward, and no procedure must be endured. True self is already present, whether you agree or not. Complete self-acceptance is your perfect state. This dream invites you to live that. Recognize what you hesitate to love and accept. Let go of fear. 'Being patience' is unnecessary.

Another point worth noting is many things exist in your midst that you do not yet choose to be conscious of. Selective remembering and forgetting are underlying themes.  What resonates with the heart, with your energetic pattern and life journey?  You are invited to awaken and reconnect with all of you in body-mind, soul spirit and harmonious multi-dimensional being.   Be aware of frequency, duality and shifts.

"The world is no a problem; the problem is your unawareness." - Osho


20 clues the third eye is opening

You may hear about the existence of a third eye. It is common to ask how to know this opens or how to awaken the third eye

The ego mind tells you obstacles exist and you must remove them. As you begin to see through your conditioned beliefs, awareness of something beyond them grows. The impression it is opening is a letting go of limited perceptions.  This is about awakening to the true nature of existence. To deepen levels of consciousness is to recognize the third eye is always open.  

The third eye is also known as the sixth chakra or pineal gland.  As you release levels of resistance and fear, your sense of life expands, notice the chakras and their energy, and attune more closely to layers of what is real.  You begin to see through the ego mind's translation of energy and grow aware of pure love energy.  Consider clues to suggest innersight exists now;

1) Your begin to recognize the nature of the space-time mirror that creates duality (At the core, you are the energy of Spirit translated into a linear time stream)

2) You access deeper clarity, deeper insight into life events

3) You know without a doubt what is real and unreal

4) You know you are never alone (oversoul is ever-present)

5) You see more levels of the game of physicality (12 dimensions)

6) You are aware everything is energy vibration or rhythm

7) You know you are Source energy and are aware of immortality

8) You feel things that are not physically discernable

9) You access heightened sensitivity

10) You feel your only purpose is to discover who you are

11) You sense pulsating light waves

12) You no longer see pure blackness when you close eyelids

13) You grow increasingly fearless (not foolhardy)

14) Your meditation experience expands to sense light energy

15) You perceive light moving & expanding through the body

16) Your perspective reverts to that of a detached witness

17) You talk less, listen more and realize you know nothing

18) You notice consciousness expand & seeking identity loses importance

19) Competitive & negative emotion no longer control you

20) You begin to feel oneness or inter-connectedness to all things


Share your own sense of what is unfolding within.  What does it feel like to have perceived boundaries and difference to be falling away? Is this the revelation that the divine eye is open and increasingly unobstructed? 


Expand more than your mind

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous.

Dream- I drove a hatchback car onto the lawn of a physician who lives up the road from my parents. A male laboratory technician from university was the passenger. Over-sized, sticky snails crawled around us inside the vehicle. The man beside me decapitated one to eat it. I watched in disbelief and hesitated to get out. I focused instead on one snail's third eye.

Predominant Emotions- disgust, aversion, and resistance.

Interpretation- You have remained outside or felt alienated from traditional forms of healing. Something draws you to connect with a source of healing inside. It requires you detach from the familiar.  Spontaneous healing occurs on invisible levels. You sense steps to initiate new kinds of self-healing.

Snails are often associated with slow and steady progress. You evolve at your own pace. Does part of you feel you are "losing your head" over something? You hope to get ahead and this requires you getscattered thoughts under control. What you are seeing does not yet make sense. Stick with it. Reality is not going anywhere. You have alternatives to discipline the mind.

The opening of the third eye represents of a period of profound spiritual awakening. This is also known as of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher conscious awareness.  As you begin to realize levels of perceived reality are illusions, you dissolve them, to reinterpret electromagnetic energy. As your frequency rises, you suddenly receive images, metaphors, still-frame and animations from other realms. Experience, test and explore what is revealed and you expand.


10 steps to awaken your third eye

It is felt that the third eye is active and makes wider sensing possible as humans dream. As the physical eyes are closed, the physical mind works in conjunction with this heightened sensitivity. Many people wonder how they could learn to open this third eye while conscious. What if learning is not the issue but rather, getting out of the way?

Consider the third eye," is where, as the Bible notes, "thine eyes become single," where there is no longer a difference between male and female, and where "the peace that passeth all understanding" dwells.  Another view is that deepening awareness enables a seer to access Godhood. Allow yourself to truly be open and receptive to this other eye.

To deepen awareness, you must truly believe the third eye exists and know the pineal gland used to be the third eye.  It is actually a cosmic receiver and sender of multi-dimensional information.  This gland gets calcified (blocked from functioning/ seeing) as you ingest fluoride and certain foods. You can research this.  A good rule of thumb is to stear clear of processed foods and high fructose corn syrup. You may choose to alter your standard food and beverage diet and toothpaste brand, and drink purified (non-fluorinated) water to decalcify the pineal.  Watch how seeing takes new shape.

You may think its desirable to force the third eye open quickly, like with a drill.  This is not advisable.  An unexpected bump on the head, meditation and yoga are practices that help quiet the mind. The gradual or spontaneous rising of kundalini energy has a huge impact.  When you are ready, the third eye reveals itself.  Ask yourself why you want it open now.  What is the urgency? Did someone tell you to do it? How do you suppose this can serve you?

It is relevant George Boyd explores the attentional principle (purusa). As you evolve to separate yourself from its vehicles; the astral (used in dreaming), causal (your logic) and mental (assumptions), you discern how the third eye functions alone.

At its core, the nature of your attention is like a wave of self-understanding. When you focus at this level, you move from contemplating your 'attentional principle' to being it. Different kinds of meditation focus  attention on the expansive view of the third eye.  Engaging the third eye reveals that you are raising your core vibration.

Practice of Purusa Dhyan Meditation (Based on work by George Boyd)

Sit upright in a chair, or in a comfortable cross-legged position on a sofa or, on a cushion on the floor. Loosen your shoulders. Do head half head circles. Close your eyes. Focus attention at the point between your eyebrows. Shift attention to the areas blow for 3-5 minutes each. Discern experience at each level, then move on:

1) Sense what it means to sit 'here & now.'
2) Become aware of sensations arising from the external environment 'in the now.'
3) Detect sensations arising in the body 'now.'
4) Feel emotions arising 'now.'
5) Recognize thoughts arising 'now.'
6) Reflect on 'I AM' statements, with related thoughts, feelings, & memories.
7) Notice memories and impressions bubble up from the Subconscious.
8) Identify the present sense of time is being recorded in memory.
9) Refocus attention be move through each chakra of the Subconscious mind.

After you have completed the 9 steps above, you are ready to focus attention behind the point between the eyebrows towards the top of your head. You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see and feel light emanating from this presence.

Affirm quietly, "the self, the size of a thumb, is seated behind the two eyes. It is self-effulgent light. It is consciousness itself. I am this consciousness." This outlines the attention principle. In a nutshell, its your third eye that expands your vision within when your two eyes are closed.  How detailed your visions become begins inside.

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