Get out of your mind

The physical mind thinks its in charge and thinks it is supposed to know how everything is supposed to happen. In truth, the physical mind can only view how things happened (past tense). It cannot know the how before the process unfolds. Do yourself a favor. Stop focusing on how you can make things come about. This is not something physical mind exists to do. Be awake. Allow the third eye to guide you. Expand into a wider perspective.
The knowledge of how something is occurring arises in the Higher Self. It conceives dreams and see things from the highest possible vantage point. This implies it recognizes connections and pathways the physical mind cannot. The physical brain receives. The physical personality mind perceives. Open the lines of communication between the physical mind and the Higher Self. The third eye is one possible bridge. It links you to you.
Trust your intuition fully. Watch for synchronicity and revel in making connections. Allow yourself to feel the joy that builds momentum. Being out of your logical mind is highly desirable. Only then can you see. Know your intrinsic value. You recalculate it every moment along with the energy flowing in this universe.
Reader Comments (5)
The mind wants bridges, seeks whys and wherefores. The Higher Self knows bridges are always there between the things that matter. And all that ever matters is the abundance of now.
The highest possible vantage point is always reached when the mind quiets and the soul connects to itself again. Life is one perpetual pinnacle of love as we tune into it on deeper and wider-stretching levels.
And how nice I was able to hit print on my File tab above and magically, your last 5 blog posts, including this one printed out. I sent them in a letter to my sister today. Since she has no Internet access at the moment as you know, how wonderful she can get the benefit of your wisdom here!!
Ajahn Brahm, the abbot of the Tibetan Buddhist Centre of Western Australia, shares stories of visiting individuals in prison. He does not view inmates as "criminals" but connects with the human being. Brahm reminds us that the mind uses labels to create a sense of superiority and inferiority where none exist. The Higher Self knows wrong and right only exist in the mind. Every behaviour is a reaching out for that love that is our essence. Love unconditionally and everyone is a mirror. If you are tempted to judge, this is resistance to full self-acceptance. Any tears you shed represent a letting go of some of the resistance to accepting yourself more fully.
That is nice that tears help shed the resistance. I will enjoy sharing these further insights with my sister.