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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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5 Tips to move beyond intimidation

The vast majority of human beings experience something called initimidation. This is often understood as allowing someone in a perceived position of authority to make you feel less than you are. Consider these ideas to move beyond intimidation and outline stepsto get your life back;

1) Recall Eleanor Roosevelt. This former U.S. first lady is known for this gentle reminder: "nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." As you opt to be taken in, you give away power.  Rest assured, you can also take it back.

2) Learn to see it for what it is. If someone seems to force you into some behaviour, they do not.  You imagine fear to deter yourself for some underlying reason. The person who appears to coerce or threaten you draws to the surface feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and fear. To be willing to inflate someone's ego mirrors what you do to your own. An egoist is more interested in himself than you.

3) Recognize superiority is overrated. Some people would say superiority and inferiority do not exist. From this perspective, they are imagined states of being based on your level of confidence, shyness or brainwashing. These llusions dissolve the moment you stop believing power matters.

4) Transcend the smoke screen. When someone acts to push you around and you allow emotion to control you, you get distracted by a smokescreen. If you are building a business and taking market share, a competitor may be willing to do anything to regain clients.  As you shift focus to servicing clients and satisfying needs, you learn people who voice threats attract negative energy. Dishonesty does not pay.

5) See the homour in it. As you raise awareness, you begin to realize the mind plays tricks to help you learn. You find yourself so fascinating you permit yourself to get wrapped up in illusion. John Bradshaw says, "Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight." How you behave without knowing why becomes funnier as you evolve to sense mind games. It plays hide and seek to remind you the lighter side of existence.