5 Steps to be happier more often

Everyone seems to be looking for something. How to find whatever this is may be less obvious for you. Consider five points to be happier more often. Enjoy a more enriching life:
1) Expect good things.
Some people say expect the unexpected and never be disappointed. This is true, but understanding the power of thought is also knowing your experience reflects what you expect. Imagine the best case scenario and focus on this vision, and this is more likely to become your reality.
2) Know how you feel is up to you.
Its very common to blame situations on others. Although you cannot always control what goes on around you, you are actually in charge of how you respond to everything you encounter. Take personal responsibility for how you feel and suddenly, you can be happy now. No more excuses.
3) Tune into the signals around you.
All the world is made of energy. Each human being can feel the pulse of the Earth beneath bare feet and through every pore of the skin. Simply realize everything from change in body temperature, to goosebumps, emotions arising and mood swings, are all forms of non-verbal communication between nature and the illusion of separate self. You are always guiding yourself to the best choices for yourself. All you have to do is tune into your signs and signals and listen.
4) Accept all the universe is supporting you.
It may require a shift in your perspective, but assuming everything is always working out for the best is an empowering revelation. This enables you to see blessings in the apparent ups and downs of life and find you are able to laugh and smile, come what may. Life is more light-hearted.
5) Decide everything is possible.
Whatever your personal, professional or other conditions, deciding everything is possible empowers you to realize where the will exists, and a way can be found. You can discover ways to self-heal, launch a bumper business, find the financial means to realize a dream, plan or innovate approaches to whatever life presents. The world is your oyster. This reminds you thoughts shape your perception of priorities and experience. All you need is at your fingertips.