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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in value soul (1)


What if?

You may be one of those people who thinks about decisions a lot before you finalize them. That may not always be in your best interest if you talk yourself out of things. You may know people who are quick to doubt their potential rather than imagine and act on endless possibilities. Have you ever wondered what if your negative assumptions were wrong? What if those positive outcomes were within your reach?

What if you turn down the chance to attend an industry convention, where you might've met a business owner who would turn out to jumpstart your career?  What if you chose instead to go to this convention, and your networking landed you the most challenging job or your career?

What if you permit shyness to prevent you from approaching a propsective partner with whom it may turn out you have a lot in common? What if you found the courage to speak with this person, and your continued contact led you to fall and love and marry or spend your lives together?A few seonds of courage changes everything.

What if you didn't take the time to investigate a business opportunity because people you know failed and call it a scam.  What if you take a risk to listen to successful people who offer you the tools to create a more balanced life and also to help others duplicate your new kinds of success?

What if you remain where you are, assume evrything has to be as it always has been? What if you experience struggle and despair simply because you refuse to change your attitude? What if you took steps to boost your self-confidence and morale and you discovered the power you have to shape your attitude and visualize and live better?

Remind yourself what fuels perseverence.To surrender to your dreams and permit them to guide and motivate you may seem a bit quirky.  Does this seem to practical or too simple?  Ignoring your dreams may itself be the craziest thing you've ever done. What if you began to perceive your life as it could be rather than as it is right now? What if you allowed your mind to wander and visualize your life as you think it should be? What would that include?

What if your dreams were not extinguished by self-doubt or lack of belief in what you could do? Trust. Creating wealth is not about money. The principal is grounded in adding value to your life and to the lives of others. Find courage to create the life that resonates with yout soul. T he world is your oyster.  Seize each day. Seize each moment. The choice is yours. Make someone' s day because you can. A smile can itself go a long way.