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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in yoga science (1)


5 Tips to create and live the ideal life

You may not yet consciously know why you do all the things you do, but you are growing more aware of underlying motivations than ever before.  You nurture a vision of the ideal life, but your mind wonders how to translate an idea into physical experience in a practical way in real time.

Whether or not you consciously realize it, all you need arises with perfect timing. It can be no other way.   The question is, can you clarify the nature of your ideal life? What does it require for you to see and also to overcome self-created obstacles? Do you readily invest in mentors and avenues to expand your perception and deepen self-understanding?

Notice you feel inclined to shift your focus of attention and priorities because insights are coming to you from your future. This is about being aware of what it takes to unleash more of your untapped potential, allowing more of your emerging reason for being to reveal itself.

So, you encounter people and situations that invite you to pay closer attention to what you doubt within yourself. You can sense what feels right and what you outgrow.  To act on your intuition requires curiosity and courage.  Consider 5 tips to guide you to create the ideal life:

1.  Fearlessly feel the way

More people are thinking for themselves than ever before.   More people are thinking about and doing physical (external) yoga than ever before. Though other dimensions of yoga are not yet in the wider public domain, more people are curious about ancient yoga practice and meditation is growing more common. More than ever, people are paying attention to what they can do within themselves. This shows more people are willing to step into the unknown. Fearlessness arises as you explore reasons for your fear, and prove to yourself what is unfounded and move beyond it.

2. Balance inner and outer well-being 

People are beginning to look at balancing inner and outer well-being as a connected science. You have to stop looking at what goes on inside as separate from the outside. Inner attitude creates all outer experience. Without individuals being well (balanced), there can be no well-being for a country or for the world. Well-being comes from self-understanding, life endeavours that reinforce this understanding and commitment.

3.  Be aware of sacred geometry

Planet Earth is not tied to the sun with a physical cable.  It is a geometric perfection.  Perfection of geometry holds physical forms in space. The entire practice of yoga (and meditation) is about activating your systems to align with geometric perfection.  Your food choices, other habits and inclinations are always pointing to the state of your energy systems.  The more balanced and authentic you feel, the more sacred geometry you notice in nature, the more revelations arise within you beyond words.

4. Live in an inclusive way

The human tendency is to view things in parts.  Its why people look at each other as separate individuals, with separate limbs and organs.  People also separate their state of physical health from the state of the economy, the nation, the environment, the ocean, ect.  To live in an inclusive way is to respect and care for everything as if it is interconnected and to understand that we share the same air, water, forests, ecosystems and all perceived separation is illusion.  

5.   Shift focus from belief to seeking

To cling to beliefs is to be in a state of opposition and fear. When beliefs are imposed, a person has the choice to submit or fight back.  When you are seeking, you do not cling to ideas or impose them.  You grow more accepting and tolerant of diversity, levels of awareness and live by the view of do no harm, live and let live. A sense of interconnectedness arises and an ideal life is based on activities grounded in compassion.