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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The beginning or the end?

How many people do you know who are willing to give up everything they have come to know for a dream? More often than not, people tend to lean toward comfort zones, things they've always done and people they've almost always known.  What would compel you to go further or do things differently than before?  You can't change what you didn't do but the future is up to you.

For some people, life begins when they start something new.  For others, life as they know it seems to end. Taking a risk doesn't have to be scary.  Exhilaration can actually be stimulating.  Your mindset and attitude are the result of choices.  You decide consciously and unconsciously what you want and then proceed to live your life accordingly.

Consider a man who contemplated attending his highschool reunion. It would've been a 50 year event for him, if he had gotten himself together to go.  He was interested to find out what had happened to an old girlfriend.  He decided he could get the information 'through the grapevine.'  Why is it that people allow fear to control their choices? What will you do next time?

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