Exert your best efforts

Wesley Harris wrote an insightful book caled "Success is in Giving." He believes that only as we learn to give do we learn to live. Ever wonder why some people pursue happiness and other people seem to find it everywhere? Take a closer look at their behavior, and you'll understand.
Bill Wylie is one example. Harris describes this Australian as a man who "has enjoyed outstanding success in rescuing ailing companies and in some cases, turning multi-million dollar losses into multi-million dollar profits." This corporate success story demonstrates the impact of exerting one's best efforts. You see, during childhood, Bill Wylie spent time in a Salvation Army Boy's home. He moved on to take initiatives to deliver telegrams and newspapers to make a living. He left school at age 13, worked days and studied nights to earn qualifications. Later, he lost his first wife and son to tragic circumstances.
Although observers may comment that Bill Wylie led a difficult life, he would say, "the harder I work, the luckier I get." His attitude and altrisum helped him raise millions of dollars for charity, including for the Salvation Army that helped him many years before. Luck has little to do with it.
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