Sudden flash of insight

During times of sorrow or low moods, as you learn to listen to yourself, you may come to realize you often repeat a certain phrase. Have you ever uttered the words, "If only..."? When you stop saying that sort of thing to yourself, you will be surprised what kinds of positive new experiences will unfold in your life. If you dwell on the negative, you befriend the negative, and invite him into your life to stay.
So, your plans didn't work out as you envisaged. Big deal! Did you ever stop to think that your way is not the only way? A step back might enable you to re-evaluate the situation and realize that you made some errors in judgment. Perhaps not getting what you wanted has unforeseen advantages. When you express regret, you aren't permitting yourself to learn from valuable life experiences or to move on. Why utter bitterness when its too late to retrieve or change anything?
From this moment forward, it makes more sense to focus on the future, not on what you didn't do in the past. Create a vision and take risks to turn your attention from what is finished to what is just beginning to grow. Consider what you would do if you found yourself in a similar situation again sometime in the future. Formulate your words accordingly: "Next time, I would..."(rather than do what I did before). What not give hope a bit of immortality and steal it away from fear.
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