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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Rise above what holds you back

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Dream- I stood beside a woman. I noticed three earthbound spirits which I sensed were her children. Each had a different personality. They acted to capture my attention to share messages. Each child floated above the floor. The woman did not see them. A man also appeared. The woman acted as if she did not see him. The child spirits kept their distance. The man fidgeted. I read his energy vibration as I scraped dried paint off a wall. Then, I climbed a ladder to fill in ceiling corners with a white paint roller.

Predominant Emotions- curiosity, guilt, patience, surprise, anticipation, and acceptance

Interpretation- You support what you believe in and slowly come to accept abilities you did not always acknowledge. This translates into confidence. You have an eye for detail where other people miss subtle nuances. As your senses expand, you are more than an astute physical observer. You detect energy in new forms with implications. What you choose to share and with whom is an issue of tact.

At any given moment, what you acknowledge about your perception and your life is what you are ready to accept. Your beliefs and values are constantly challenged. You shift your awareness in stages and expand how and what you see. You are also learning unsolicited advice is inappropriate.

Male and female behavioural traits clarify aspects of your human identity. You will sense personal history and unresolved feelings mirrored in relationships around you. You may also find you have insight into the lives of complete strangers. You are always in the right place at the right time.

The painter is the creator within you. You can remove what no longer suits you and paint over it with your sense of who you are now.  You climb your own ladder of success.

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