What would cause you to trust yourself more?

Your insticts are supposed to be dependable. Your eyes open each morning. You get up. Your taste buds and other senses generate constant information. Nonetheless, you often hestitate to listen. You disregard signs. What would cause you to trust yourself more?
Think back to that relationship you entered into that did not work out as you had hoped. What was that uneasy vibe you felt way back at the beginning? For some reason, you chose to overlook that. It was not important, right?
Reflect again on that instinct you had to run around the corner when your instinct told you the bus was early. How did it feel to discover that you were right?
Remember the time when you were choosing peers as members for your sports team in gym class. Part of you felt compelled to choose friends or popular kids. Another part of you urged you to choose for ability. Your team revealed how you felt about appearances.
Recall the time you were on the phone and your instinct caused you to run to the kitchen. Your mind was sending you vibes about the pot of boiling water you had left on and forgotten. This was not a memory lapse. It was a gradual building of trust inside you.
What about the time you were scanning the community bulletin board and came across that part-time job that led you to hold the responsibilities you now hold? Was it coincidence you were compelled to phone the number? At the time, you thought you had no idea what you were geting into. Seems part of you did.
None of your instincts are ever misplaced. Yet, you disregard far more than you acknowledge. Each instance you choose to trust your feelings, you gain new insight into yourself. You are building confidence and raising awareness in ways that serve you.
Reader Comments (6)
Instincts are the like when God plays the piano inside us. We feel the sound and we move to the music. Even when we find ourselves on automatic pilot, we eventually move in one direction or another due to instincts.
But of course, without my knowing I suppose that decision caused me to take another route that led to another decision that I wouldn't have had to make in the first place. And with much time having passed, I would have not made that connection. Does this make sense...? I know I'm rambling a bit :-)
I still have a lot of practice in this area, that's for sure.