What is it you want from yourself?

Change may seem threatening because you think it leads to the unknown. Yet, what if the way to move forward and sense progress in your life is to be experienced by going backwards? That is, what if questioning your assumptions about what is good for you, accepting you have other answers, is key to overcoming your misunderstandings?
To ask what you want from yourself may seem simple. Yet, when was the last time you asked and answered honestly? Are you able to cleaarly write the vision down in few words? You may be unaware that it is you who decides whether your dreams will dissolve and disappear. And you're right, another way exists. You decide the life you will create.
When you believe you have more to learn, more to get your head around, then its possible for your circumstances to evolve with you. It may be that you do not understand yourself and your sources of motivation as well as you could. Your goals grow from your self-knowledge. What if you took steps to shed light on your real options?
1) Recognize you can consciously choose how to feel.
2) Learn how to discern your the feelings of your essential self.
3) Let go of all goals grounded in fear, guilt or shame.
4) Recreate your sense of self based on your true feelings.
5) Accept you create your energy vibrations to convey messages from your soul.
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