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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Discover the shaman inside yourself

Notice when you feel alienated or 'out-of-place.' Your emotions are a gauge. They tell you when you are listening to soul, being true to self or not. Like a shaman, do you allow intuition and Nature to guide your choices? If you cling to the opinions of others, you allow yourself to live on borrowed knowledge. Ignorance and fear may block your access to timeless wisdom. You may ask, what can I do about it?

Be aware when you focus on stories and dreams of other people. This may result from conditioning. You can also view everything as an invitation to discover the shaman inside yourself. Access innersight that enables you to see deeper into the here and now. What behaviour allows soul secrets to reveal themselves?

1) Watch your thinking process.  Choose to live in such a way as you know life is as easy as you make it.   Be present and focused on a matter at hand rather than lose your focus in multi-tasking.  Change the way you think about thought.  Know thoughts are powerful enegy.  Sense all you do evolves naturally. 

2) Be open to shift focus. Stop believing you need what you don't have or that you must control what is uncontrollable.  Review the personas or facades you put on and let go of the person the world thinks you are. See from the vantage point of equality.  Flow into states of abundance and heed the impulse of generosity.

3) Break down your largest challenges.  Become a master anticipator. Sense that you can manage anything step-by-step.  Set an example by thinking of others and serving them rather than being blinded by self-interests.  Change the way you perceive darkness and fear.  Sense they help you see the love that exists. Discern you are an instrument to something greater that empowers you.

4) Be willing to admit you don't know.  This reflects strength.  Watch the ego impulse.  Admit you never really know what is best for other people.  Trust instincts about self yet, remain humble.  The energy of humility is magnetic.  Release your urge to impose ideas.  Sense immeasurable capacities exist within that are unleashed from the moment you believe in the unseen.

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