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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Discern blessings in disguise

Imagine you start to realize that how you are thinking and behaving no longer reflects who you really are. Maybe something just doesn't feel right anymore. Maybe you simply think differently. Whether or not you realize it, this is a blessing in disguise.

Its easy to recognize you are constantly growing and changing physically. At the same time, your mental awareness is stretching at its own pace. As you become more discerning, your impulses and intuition seem to point you in new directions because you're becoming more attuned to them.  How do you know if your instinct is right on?

Rather than focus energy on thoughts about what isn't working, spend energy on what is. For instance, if it feels right to practice some sport or skill, do that. If you notice you're improving in some area of your life, then focus more on that.  If your appetite is growing or shrinking due to  activity, listen to the messages and eat accordingly.

If your gut tells you to seek advice, do it. If newly-discovered talent is getting you attention and work opportunities, then concentrate on that. Whatever generates positive developments in your life is a meaningful direction to take.

Similarly, if you sense you no longer relate to the behavior of people you have known, gradually create distance. If spending time in a particuar setting evokes negaive feelings, stop going or at least minimize the period you spend there.

If you no longer feel good about some of your eating habits or leisure activities, then its your prerogative to make different decisions. To stop doing those things that evoke negative feelings is a step toward shifting focus to transform your mindset and action.

Choosing to view everything as a blessing in disguise means you realize you have a choice about how to live your life.  You can decide everything that happens is sending you positive, subliminal messages. After all, what motivated you to get out of bed every day?

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Reader Comments (2)

Oh Liara, you hit so close to home with this post. I am really in tune with my physical body and getting more and more in tune with my spiritual body every day. And I totally agree with you when you write about creating distance between you and that which brings about negative feelings. And yes I have felt negative and sucking energies from some around me greatly.

It is easy to distance yourself from friends or any other energies that are unfavorable to ones spirit, but how do you do it when it is those closest to you like your parents? I am having a bit of a struggle with this one at this time and I guess for the past few months really, as they do not accept and welcome the changes within me and the distance I need. Any suggestions for how to ease this, for them more than for me. And unfortunately talking and explaining has not really worked yet...
June 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, as you evolve within yourself, you begin to understand the reasons why you shape the stories you share with certain people. This isn't the same as consciously lying.

For example. you would likely talk about a romantic partner differently with parents, grandparents, friends and acquaintances. You learn to express things in terms that are more readily understood or related to by each person. If someone is atheist or anti-spiritual, and you choose to embrace a spiritual side, then your choices offer an alternative point of view. You need not force that on others. You grow to learn this is a lesson in detaching yourself from external approval and an opportunity you give others to open their mind and senses to new possibilities. Life offers different forks in the road, and everyone doesn't take the same path, even with the universally-shared destination.

Of course, no matter what you say or how you present it, some people will choose not to relate, will choose to reject the subject, person or other focus of your communication. This is not under your control. When other people reject ideas, they are not rejecting you personally. This actually means the perrson is rejecting a part of their inner self. No being outside of you can assist you to discover unconditional love and self-acceptance. As you learn it doesn't matter what otehr people think, no matter how close they are supposed to be to you, then your perspective and sense of a fullfilling life change.
June 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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