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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Do you dare embrace the truth?

Human existence means different things to different people.  Souls acknowledge different levels of perception.  That you are aware of certain things about yourself serves your agenda.  That explains why you choose to be as aware as you are (or not) right now.

Any connection you feel to the supernatural is what you are currently willing to sense and accept. Paranormal suggests "different" than normal.  What is your view of 'normal?' If you tap into your dormant, heightened sensitivites, your overall experiences expands.   

Believe it or not, most everyone can expand their senses. Some humans shy away or fear their own potential.  Other humans just don't choose to use it.  Yet, all people who consciously experience their own hidden truth experience it in very personalized forms.

Many ways of being, sensing and discerning mean many kinds of existence are themselves constantly expanding, changing and transforming. Those human beings who choose to transform evolve to sense they feel a bit like a kaleidoscope in motion. 

Imagine yourself like a perpetually-growing, underwater reef with ever-changing colors and textures and components.  Do you dare embrace the truth beyond? Do you choose to read about magical creatures or stretch your perception to interact with them directly?

Before you start to awaken the sceptic within, you might consider a different approach.  From the moment you take responsibility for your perception, you begin to step outside the confines created by everyone else.  Choose to discover the universe's playground.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara,

This article struck a cord in my soul & gave me goose bumps, why ? because, I am realising & living right now what you talk about in this article. It rings home true for me.

If I can quote from something youv'e said in the past, "if the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear". Many thanks for the enlightened view in the article.


June 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersaintly
Saintly, you may be interested in a blog post I wrote on that very subject:

Whenever a situation or story resonates with you, this is a sign from the universe that you are raising your awareness to new levels. Congratulations on redefining your sense of progress. Life is as exhilarating as you decide. You create limits. You also remove them.
June 27, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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