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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Learn to stop kidding yourself

Human beings of all ages have been known to kid around, to be funny, to joke for fun.  Yet, the degree you sense you get into trouble also relates to ways you kid yourself on deeper levels.  Would you view this kind of belief as a lapse? Have you ever felt unloved?

For instance, if you choose to engage in romance with someone you do not love, or even marry such a person,  then you are creating inner conflict.  This will result in unnecessary stress and health problems even if you do not initially make the connection.  When you refuse to be honest with yourself,  you hesitate to open your heart in ways to heal soul. 

You may have observed other people bring on their own discomfort. Everyone can learn to make decisions not based on neediness, but out of selfless respect for another.  The process of evolving toward being humble and egoless is part of the journey of life.

Another reason to stop kidding yourself may relate to your perceived physiological or emotional state.  If you think you have nothing to do with how you feel, or why your body is deteriorating, then you are unaware.  To discover a disease is a symptom of something deeper.  It reveals clues about addiction or other self-defeating behavior.  Learn to discern the core issues.  Then, you can take steps to heal in ways that astound yourself. 

How many people get diagnosed with illnesses and miraculously heal themselves? The number is irrelevant.  These  people do not kid themselves about what is possible.  They take responsibility for how they think and raise awareness about causes of their beliefs.  You have no reason to make fun of yourself or criticize your current predicament.  Whatever your state of health, it is a blessing. You have the power to transform.

In a nutshell, illness of any kind reveals your soul desired to challenge what you believe. Now, you are ready to redefine what it means to kid yourself. This means learning to dissolve the cynic, the doubter, and the judge.  As you learn to strengthen a sense of unconditional love, you discover this is strongest power you can tap into at any moment. 

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Reader Comments (8)

Absolutely! The body never gives us symptoms or acts out just for the fun of it, there is always a deeper, underlying level of why that particular symptom or disease is manifesting.

When the spirit is not at ease, the body is in dis-ease.

Many people think they an fool or kid themselves when it comes to life and the choices we make, but we cannot fool our spirit and it always reflects back on our physical state.
August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, you offer valuable insight on mind-body -spirit connections. Not every human being concedes the spirit plays an active role in discernment, in the healing of dis-ease and in complete transformation. Perception all begins in the mind. Its a matter of intention.

Let's say you know anyone who has been diagnosed with a debilitating disease, then you may have heard that person say, "who am I kidding? I am at the mercy of this." So long as people consider themselves victims of external forces or troubles, these people do not expand or transcend what ails them as well as they could. So you say, 'no kidding!'
August 20, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Very well put Liara! As long as people consider themselves victims - that is what they will be.
August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Evita, one staring point at any given moment is to view yoruself as a victor or a victim. You can view a glass half full or half empty. Hoe you choose to perceive is the result of conditioning, discipline and an other training you undertake to transform yourself.
August 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I agree with all of these comments. I have many emotional stresses and I am lying in bed in pain after surgery with complications.My problem is that I'm not sure where to begin to try to heal this mess of emotions. I learn a lot about myself and life from it's complications but right now I feel impatient and I just want to feel well.I don't want to beat myself up knowing that I am the cause of this pain.Does it make sense to ask others to send you healing energy in order to help you along on your journey and if it does make sense may I ask that this community send me some of their healing energy?

Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. I often refer to them for guidance.

October 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Darla, you could start by shifting your focus from problems to solutions. Every thought you create is a spark in your healing process. Nothing you think or feel is irrelevant. Your spirit grows though expressing genuine kindness, patience, generosity, gratitude, empathy, love and service. You facilitate different kinds of self-healing by focusing energy in these directions. Tell yourself this is an ongoing process where every stage is a blessing for lessons it offers. Just so you know, healing circle members regularly send out healing energy to those who need it. Ask and it is given. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, assistance exists for you in the ethereal. You receive when you ask.
October 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you Liara.Great advice.I do feel very blessed and I know that each time I go through a period of difficulty it helps me to relate to others in a more compassionate manner. You spoke about how people feel comfortable about talking to you about ghosts. I too have noticed that I have had many people coming into my gallery lately who are energy healers or who seem to be walking on the same spiritual path that I am on. Often they too have said that they don't usually bring these subjects up with just anybody.People also talk to me about very difficult personal times that they have gone through - people I barely know. The other day at the hospital, the nurse checking me in told me a very personal story about how her husband had left her.A while ago at the grocery store one of the clerks stopped me in the aisle by grabbing my arm and spilling out her distress to me. She said she needed a change in her life and she wondered how she could find her true self.These things happen to me all the time and for the first time, I am debating starting a counselling service(more of a listening and solution service) and possibly even writing a book. I am learning a lot about love and compassion in life and I think I have learned these things through hardship.

I'm feeling so much better today.Thank you again for the kindness you bestow each time you take the time to respond to my comments.
warmest regards,
October 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Darla, every person you meet encourages you to listen more closely to yourself. Which messages are you sending? What do you discern? You are never "just thinking" about doing something. There are no such things as innocent thoughts. You deliberately create ideas and choose to have faith in them or, choose to doubt yourself. As you evolve, you will realize you devise your visions of hardship which are illusions meant to distract you from what you would prefer to be doing. As soon as you raise awareness of what is possible, where your heart is, then Higher forces enable you to realize those dreams.
October 19, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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