How do you discern with your eyes closed?

You may not think so much about how you take in information about your night-time dreams. After all, since your eyes are closed, you may assume you do not ingest details with your senses. It is common for dreamers to assume they make-up everything.
Think again. What if senses you are unaware of by day are being used at night? What if consciously preventing the use of senses you use in waking life enables you to remind yourself of other abilities you have always had? Are you reading the signs?
If you take the view that you exist in an infinite space, like the idea of the holodeck on the Starship Enterprise, then you may begin to believe that your daytime senses create details to enable you to feel grounded. Similarly, while asleep, you give yourself the freedom to do things that in waking life you brainwash yourself to believe are impossible.
For instance, many people will talk about a desire to fly. They will share what they imagine it feels like and refer to their observations of flying creatures. Yet, what if views of flying draw from experience of astral travel? What if removing constraints of the conscious mind enables you to expand your sense of boundaries beyond your regular imagination? What if astral dreaming is a baseline state that reveals your true identity?
Closing your physical eyes shuts out limited seeing. It connects you with pure consciousness in the light, immerses you in the truth of who you are. You do not think about how your daily perception actually blocks innate awareness of light. Astral dreaming enables you to experience what ego cannot. Be like a fish. Be awake while you sleep with eyes wide shut.
Reader Comments (6)
Dreaming also lets you tap into your subconscious, and allows you to "see" what's going on inside you, problems you might have etc, and dreaming gives solutions and answers~! If only you listen!
I have had dreams where I am flying and it is one of the most liberating experiences. I am always open to whatever dreams hold to increase my sense of being alive.