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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What kind of shoes do you wear?

I am drawn to the Persian proverb that reads, "I cursed the fact that I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet." 

How often have you thought negatively about some situation until you began to compare yourself to people who appear worse off?  This is an eye-opening revelation, not only because it reveals your inner judge, but also because it reveals you may be more apt to shift accountability and responsibility away from yourself.  Do you note the implications?

People each have their own perception. You will see differently than other people. To observe is not the same as to judge.  To believe in the power of the human spirit allows you to rise above noticing difference.  Instead, your instinct will evolve to choose to focus on what you have in common or, why you feel connected to people as they are.  

As you evolve to believe each person exists to make a genuine difference in the world, you will come to accept your calling.  When you choose not to run away from your fears, or the experiences that evoke them, you will face all that is genuinely loving and reclaim what it means to relish personal freedom.  Relate the kinds of shoes you happen to wear.

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Reader Comments (6)

Once upon a time I looked at others shoes and thought what better shoes they must have with all their success and riches. Whilst I had shoes that tread along with hard work and heading into blocked walls and then it happened..... I became aware of that connection you speak of. I also have learned that to walk in someone else's shoes may not be in our best interest. We all have the "shoes" we are to wear in this lifetime. I recognize that our "Shoes" all come from the same Source. We are one and we may wear different masks, shoes, cloaks of personality but we are here as one to learn and experience that special spark of the one Source. It is much more peaceful to me to embrace this ideology. We are all one. We are all connected. The rest is just a illusion.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Titania, what an uplifting contribution. I wonder about your take on the story of The Emperor's New Clothes? He did not choose to wear shoes...
August 23, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
The Emperor is my kind of guy! :o)
August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
...Shoes of gratitude! There is no true alignment or happiness for one who is not satisfied with what he/she has.It is really not until we step back and look at the world at large that we realize how good we have it - no matter what we have.
Very Valuable Post as always Liara!
August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Wow! Great post. I was just about to write my reply and when I saw Evita's wise comment just above this box. And realized that she had already said what I was about to say. I agree. My shoes would be ones of such infinte gratitude. If we cannot see blessings in what we already have, we will never fill the hunger for "more" or "other" or "better" and so forth.

I have known people who came to America with 1 shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of socks and shoes, their body and soul and that was all. One of these people was absolutely amazing. When I met her she was FILLED with excitement and SOOOOOOO joyfully grateful for every little tiny thing. I was moved to tears.
August 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRainforestRobin
Rainforest Robin, each person has a choice to feel constricted by the body's moods or, to feel receptive to the evolution of everything. To be gracious when assistance and gifts are offered, and to recognize these gifts come in tangible and intangible forms, is all part of the process of self-growth. If balanced energies are your goal, then you can believe your moods and energy levels can be consistently elevated. At a given moment, make any changes you deem necessary. The shoes other people choose to wear are not your own.
August 28, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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