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Robin Sharma & 5 tips to become all you are

Robin Sharma has written books like, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Who Will Cry When You Die?, and Discover Your Destiny.  His tales encourage, inspire and enlighten. 

As an author, he reveals eternal fulfillment is always within reach.  He encourages you to examine the chains you imagine which prevent you from living to your highest potential.

Based on Robin's writing, here are 5 tips to help you become all you are:

1) Discover what you are not and resist struggling with it.

2) Stop permitting fear to rule your life choices.

3) Choose to do more than lead a life of mediocrity.

4) Do your best and let go of the urge to control.

5) Take an active interest in what it takes to reclaim your inner power.

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Reader Comments (6)

I will have to put those on my wish list at Amazon. I confess that I need to work on 1,4,and 5. Do you think it is a part of our society to be in control or is just a human condition? This may seem strange but when it comes to Mother Nature and her many guises, I understand that her chaos is actually order. There is no need to control the weather. It is what it is. Now I just need to apply that to myself!
August 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTitania
Titania, the urge to control is an imposed condition that human beings often adopt. Learning to relinquish control can become part of yoru personal process of rediscovering what makes you who you are. The process of creation and manifestation teaches you whatever you are ready to learn at a given moment. Sharma's fables take inspiration from writers like Paulo Coelho. I expect you would enjoy his books as well.
August 24, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara - Sharma is one of my favorite writers. That said, I really like the list. Only suggestion I have is that he should have added word 'outcome' at the end of point 4. We should put our best effort without an urge to control an outcome in our favor.

Shilpan, control of outcomes is certainly one kind of control. It may be said that if a person truly desired to become all they are, they would. The key point is not the availability of what a person desires but whether that person will accept it, whether that person believes he or she deserves it. To not experience something means you are preventing it for reasons. To decipher them enables you to become your authentic self.
August 24, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,
I am reading, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari now. Numbers 1 through 5 are my favorites.

We should do them effortlessly and without question.
August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi, We are the official organizer of Robin Sharma's Live in SG Event on 15th May 2009. Special Rates are available - Drop me a mail/sms now to or 9072 1661 now to book a life changing experience or enquires for more information!!! Tickets are running fast!!!
January 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJabez

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