Feel nothing to expand

People are taught to think, strive, work, achieve, speak, move, and take other initiatives with goals in mind. And yet, how do you respond to the idea you must feel nothing to expand?
Take it a step further. What sort of impact does this have on your senses, behaviour and life as it stands? Express nothing. Be nothing. What does this mean to you, your dreams and current path? What kinds of sensations are evoked? Describe what you are remembering and forgetting at this moment.
Reader Comments (7)
This basic and highly empowering truth is the opposite of all we've been taught. We've been taught to form thoughts and opinions and beliefs and struggle and seeking. The giving up of these is not easy and not difficult--just delicate.
By placing one's attention on a single object, we are seperating it out in contrast to infinity. We have an issue therefore with the object, or we have a message that needs receiving from the object so that we can move past it. It is a ghost in the machine.
When the object of attention is embraced and therefore loved, we expand. With each block dissolved, we move towards no things and everything.
By not locking into anything, one can feel everything.
Therefore, we feel and become essence.
To think or to try something seperates us from being something. Goals place us somewhere other than here. This is a block, and is something.
Things are heavy. They are bricks that create walls. "Hey teacher, leave them kids alone." Do you want to be another brick in the wall? We have been taught seperation. This is now the age of unification where mental static and chatter that supports duality is being passed through and left behind. Today we begin to feel again.
In nothing lives all things....and nothing.
In the arms of nothing I lost myself and found myself.
I found the brightest light and most beautiful voice.
In nothing I became all things...and nothing.
In nothing I was set free.
Before I met Nothing I really was nothing.
Once I embraced Nothing I became everything.
With Nothing embraced...
I need no longer run.
I love this whole simple and yet as-profound-as-it-gets post.
Much Love,
I certainly don't switch off .. if I have a massage .. my mind is working - just me I guess, and something I haven't learnt yet .. yoga and meditation are on the future list .. I will get there ..
Glad to read your new book is out in 6 weeks or so - well done!
All the best - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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