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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Soulful persistence

It is said that as you work at something, it becomes easier.  From this view, the endeavour gradually does not seem like work. Some people interpret this to mean the harder you exert the self or the more it struggles, the bigger the reward. 

Society teaches that a person is meant to earn success with blood, sweat and tears. As part of the process, a person is expected to engage in competition, conflict and feel repeatedly tested. Deep down, one is invited to ask what is testing whom?

Ingrained views condition people to think that anything coming easily does not deserve to be appreciated. For example, when a sports game appears one-sided, not only do players feel something missing but spectators somehow feel gypped.

Another view of persistence has nothing to do with striving to achieve, accomplish or become anything. From this view, you need not be fastest, best or most anything. Comparisons and a need to excel fall away. What you are remembering, remains. The soul is a silent warrior with infinite patience. What is the nature of any path? How does soul dialogue and expand inside?

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Reader Comments (11)

I see working at something as being engaged in the motion and hardship associated with work. When someone finds peace in what they are doing, then it becomes easy and it is no longer Work. Therefore, we should say exactly what we mean or we will find ourselves lodged in our descriptions.

Work can be looked at as a building of concentric rings in the manifestation of an idea into the physcial. As we partake in these circles many of us tend to charge them with positive or negative feelings. This leaves an imprint on the subject matter. When one revisits these loops of work, then one tends to feel the charge that is left behind. Blessing such work with the intent to dissolve all charges breaks the bonds that are associated with such work. Therefore, if one associates the activity with being hard, then the hardness that one experiences can be dissolved by stripping the circles of polarity. Beneath these varying levels of depth charges is the presence of the soul.

Working with blood, sweat, and tears to achieve something is a stage within spiritual development. It may be an act of ego where one constantly is running into self built obstacles, but it teaches a person to escape victimisation and to build egoic character so that one can be proud of their accomplishments. With each successive accomplishment, the tasks that one engages in becomes easier. One then begins to notice this pattern of ease and soon learns to follow the path of least resistance. The ego begins to lose grip at this stage. Finding connectivity, subtle pleasures, and a sense of ease is then cultivated. One does not feel the need to prove something to others or to themselves anymore. They have been there and done that and are bored with such a lower vibrational perspective. The new test then becomes to see every action as meaningful instead of placing all of one's energy in the concept of work. Awareness is now cultivated as we become witness to life and that which lacks life. One can feel now from a soul perspective. That which now excites an individual resonates from deep within and flows out to the surface to interact personally in the phsyical world.

People feel gypped when an event is one sided, because they are wanting to feel the energy of a fight. They want to feel the fight because there is a fight or a struggle within themselves. Both sides are within them, but one side is favored over the other and so they choose a side. This energetic internal and external war can only be resolved by dissolving the polarities experienced within the self. Neutralize the charges and then one is left with the soul perspective.

Therefore, the Nature of any path is to transcend charges, attachments, associations, circles, habits, sins, and to reveal and release the soul essence into the world so that its dreams can be manifested in the physical realm.

The soul dialogues and expands when something it encounters excites it. The whole body resonates. You can feel it in your bones. You know beyond doubt what is right for you. Life just spills out of you. Everything you touch is a blessing and an act of grace. Your cup runneth over. Everything you see and touch turns to Gold, because there is Gold in everything. You can sense it and draw it out from others onto the surface. It is a Soul Objective. One's actions allows for the rest of the world to feel better and uplifted. New perspectives are gained when new Soul Insight is integrated into the Melting Pot.
October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bernie, many people do get wrapped up in ego and the physical manifestations of results or outcomes. This is what is taught and socially expected. As a person chooses to detach, step back and observe, that person begins to truly explore what is and what is not.

Believing in hardship leads to talking about it and reinforcing the energy in tangible form and experience.

Work may be seen as resistence, struggle or representing everything opposite to going with the flow of what is.

Internal imbalance can be peacefully smoothed over without conflict or bloodshed provided the logic of such behaviour fades away into nothingness.

Every soul interacts with every other on levels that defy human imagination and energetic language. To attune is to feel and know beyond a shadow of any doubt.
October 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara. Persistence in "letting go" would be an interesting challenge for people. Sometimes I'm aware that more is accomplished easily and with less effort AND more reward when it just unfolds. I love this concept, and it continues to be a challenge in this world of Do Do and Do.
October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Hi Liara .. we need to do something, perhaps mould our way through the pitfalls; if we can relax and accept the downs are another way to go up, then we'll go with the flow and there will be less stress within .. and we'll connect more easily with things ahead.

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Letters
October 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
I was definitely taught that life takes work, and earning money takes work, and just about everything takes work... And I'm not exactly wired to love that way of thinking. I embrace the ease of life's fluidity, and allowing things to happen as they will. Most of the time... Then my ego gets involved and all bets are off! Silence, expansion, clarity. Those three words feel very valuable to me today.
October 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan "JoyGirl!" Bord
Hi Liara,

I once heard a quote (paraphrased) that stated when you start a venture there is a 1000 to 1 chance that you will fail. There is also a chance that if you do it 1,000 times, you are likely to succeed. Soul is a one man band marching silently to the beat of his own drum in the parade of life.
October 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, consider Thomas Edison. He is said to have made 1000+ attempts before he created the lightbulb. He does not say he had ver 1000 failures but gained more than 1000 experiences before perfecting his idea. Perception is everything and nothing all at once.
October 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Davina, human beings go through emotional and psychological upheavals when the moment is right. People experience complete shifts in perspective and it enriches their lives every step of the way.
October 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, every human being is invited to attune to how they think and feel. You know best what resonates or not inside the self. Learning to trust is up to you.
October 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Megan, physical existence offers unlimited opportunities to shift your vantage point. You gradually come to realize beliefs are misplaced. Life experience invites you to step outside the mind, follow the dream and see where it leads.
October 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you for your always wonderful replies!
October 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan "JoyGirl!" Bord

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