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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Steady yourself for expansion

What you are feeling, is what your energy being requires for you to align with an evolutionary spiral.  When your mind is free, your ego is without attachment.  The nature of resistence is falling away.  Learn to surrender all questioning and trust your heart.  No effort is required to permit stillness to come in.

As you reconnect with the knowing of the ancients, you effortlessly connect with universal awareness.  You know what makes sense, where you need to be, and what you need to do.  You sense the body is a vehicle to new dimensions of existence. You recall your most precious commodities. This is more than the light essence of your physicality;

1) Everything you feel is building your inner strength.

2) All you sense reflects a consciousness of unity.

3) Sense the body vehicle is pure compassion & perfection.

4) Make choices that allow you to experience more light.

5) Accept love and permit it to transfigure what you think.

6) Notice inter-galactic doorways are open & beckoning.

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Reader Comments (7)

1) The new feelings are bridging the gaps of lost awareness, filling in the pot holes with light to endless hungry circles and ghosts.

2) We are moving from residing in sub frequencies of the human race to tapping into the broader band frequency of being Human where we are all united.

3) When the body begins being used for what it was designed for, one will feel alive with newness where one continuously channels energy into being. One becomes passionate and can therefore see and relate to the passions in others therefore becoming compassionate. It is perfect because one feels complete and whole.

4) Each step will open doors that were previously unseen, letting in newly discovered energy that has always been Here to unfold within, where the world and universe will expand to that which resonates with you.

5) The thoughts or intentions that we hold within our heart touch and connect with the source and therefore manifest into being.

6) If something has our attention and we ignore it, it is because we are holding it in our minds and are refusing to process that which we have summoned and which is needed to enter through the door into the next level of expansion.
November 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern

1) Nothing is lost. Everything is.
2) People change baseline frequency anytime they choose.
3) Being is complete.
4) Doors are always open. Choose to see & pass through.
5) Connection with Source is constant. Listen or not.
6) Resistance & acceptance reflect focus on love or fear.
November 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
1) If I use words that imply lack, then there is still lack lurking in the mind. Therefore, I can decide to direct my mind to where I want to be, which is here in the Moment, only using words that resonate with my intentions. What was, need to look back to where I was, when I have now and the energy to stay here. And from Here, I can expand by allowing the New to enter my field of vision. I suppose I felt that I must leave bread crumbs for others to follow. But this in its self is resistance to where I always Am.

4) Again, perceiving that doors can be closed implies that I am limiting my Self. All doors are therefore OPEN.
November 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
The language in the noun door implies blocking, locking, lacking, etc, in itself. True freedom has no doors - Fear of letting something in or something out creates these imaginary doors...boundaries and walls. There is really nothing to fear; thus no doors.

Liara, can you share any ideas you have on "4) Make choices that allow you to experience more light.?"

Peace, Light and Love, C.
November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCordieB
Bern, everyone is empowering you and you are also empowering everyone. This is the nature of expansion. Thou shalt not expand alone. Such is universal law. You have many worlds and situations attached to you by energetic cords. They are connected or disconnected at will. You are a cosmic magician with unlimited reach.
November 23, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Stillness is the one things my mind does not allow, I'm always nudged back into my noisy thoughts. However, I know deep within me that I have the authority over my self. Letting go of the mind and observing life is my everyday struggle. And I know I will dominate in the end.

I will never allow myself to surrender to the limited mind. :-)
November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWalter
Liara - I needed to read this today. Indeed everything we feel brings us closer to knowing the self and helps us align. Our energetic needs are met.

And yes...choices that allow us to experience more light. It feels so good, as I think it really "brings us home" to our true state of being.

It is incredible how much one can attain from stillness...
November 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita

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