More than just another prophecy

Many prophecies are offered concerning the fate of humanity and the true meaning of 2012. Regardless of who you read, you sense nothing is carved in stone and that your thought energy influences things. You may not yet consciously grasp how or why, but you play a pivotal role in what is unfolding now.
Imagine humanity is one global organism in a holographic state. You connect to the Internet and access your virtual self in Internet cafes anywhere they exist. Yet, you are still not fearless. Your behaviour does not yet detach from separation anxiety and enter universal oneness as a single planetary organism.
One view is 2012 represents a period when the human organism is to know a radical shift in awareness. Hyptheses suggest mind and soul-altering events. Why not expect the unexpected? Your evolutionary shift from dense matter to expanding consciousness is not limited to 2012. How do you sense unity or not? The nature of what is pending depends on human responses to everything now. As you hear more about spiritually-minded beings, you may begin to shift your sense of reality to living faith on Earth.
What if love energy has the potential to create a spiritual battery to charge or renew the human mental environment. What if we create powerful vibration to determine the destiny of humanity? What if this effect can emerge out of unprecedented unity of purpose bridging language, culture and belief? This view of a 2012 prophecy is a harmonic convergence of the spiritually adept of all faiths and traditions.
On December 17, tune in 8pm EST, I am a guest on The Experience Radio show with Steve Fox. Tune in to share your perspective on 2012 or consult the program archives. We discuss different levels of perception, cosmic shifts, consciousness and states of remembering. Not everyone simply waits for things to unfold. Your choices, intention and belief/disbelief in ego-free mind shape your experience.
Reader Comments (3)
However, with free speech, the internet, and inspiration coming into the world from infinite angles, patterns and habits are being broken. Energy that was once locked up is being freed. Openness is allowing for fresh air to be taken in. Cycles in many dimensions are ending. We are all stepping into new beginnings on multiple levels. This leads us to destiny where we can live our dreams without restrictions and where life no longer repeats its self. The refresh button is always on. We can converge harmonicly at any moment and at any time with ourselves. We don't have to wait till 2012. The potential has always been Here Now. It just has not been encouraged. Therefore, we can find the courage to let go of the external to align harmonicaly with the internal. It is an individual choice and not a cultural choice.
Hilary Melton-Butcher
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