Where does it take you?

You own journey is taking you somewhere. You may sense you are a kind of energy vehicle in transit. This process is an information-gathering expedition. It is not about perciving tangibles but intangibles.
You exist not for learning about strange beliefs from faraway places. You exist to awaken and reflect about your existence. You are inivited to understand yourself and to cope with your daily problems.
In some sense, you embark on a quest for truth. You may take formal study, yet all experience is a wise teacher. Nothing you reach for in the external world reveals how to end suffering or trigger revelations.
As you move to a state of being where compassion has no bounds, you help everyone and the self all along the way. Where you go is no different from where you are. Accepting this changes everything.

Reader Comments (5)
I am still in transition - recently some elderly round here have needed help and I can do a bit, but I just need to conserve my energies for myself and my mother .. I don't like not doing things for them I think I should be doing - but I can't do it all, I've had to say 'sorry but - I can't help'.
Not easy - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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