Rediscover harmony

As you trust what is the 'right' thing to do, you meet your destiny. You are invited to turn adopted perceptions inside out, to reflect on what is indispensable, and discard or detach from all else.
The creative force of concentration draws your attention to anything that enables you to become one. It is not the form an action takes but the underlying intention that drives it, that matters.
Choose to remember who you are. Everyone has the capacity to transcend all belief systems, labels and assocations to tune into the timeless tonality that is you. This is beyond anything in your universe.
The divine vibration that is you has no beginning or no end. Remove imagined names. What you feel does not need a name. It requires no explanation. It just is. You are back to square one, where it begins.

Reader Comments (8)
I particularly love this line: "It is not the form an action takes but the underlying intention that drives it, that matters."
This is so powerful for many reasons. It speaks to the times that we may set our intent on some worthy action and yet it can appear that we may have failed in terms of the outcome, but inside us lives the energy of our willingness and courage to follow through on that intent. It's kind of like the adage that it's about the journey and not the outcome. It also speaks to our mislaid belief that mistakes exist, when there really are no mistakes. It just speaks on so many more levels that would take up a whole page. However, I find it a compassionate expression that allows us to embrace the whole journey.
Have a peace-filled and rewarding holiday season. And stay warm. I am taking a complete computer break and spending time with my sweetie resting, talking and being... and some time in nature. Thank you for all that you give to me and others. It is much appreciated. Love, Robin :)
gentle steps,
Getting undressed is liberating - but it also can be chilly without the protection of clothes.
Thank you - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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