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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in vibration (158)


Be Ordinary

Notice the moment is here or the busy mind hijacks attention. The mind is goal-oriented, oscillating between past and future. The mind is not here. Being present is the most ordinary state. The mind has no present tense and cannot grasp what is beyond its scope. When presence happens, it is unrelated to the individual. Purpose is a human created idea. Nature has no purpose. The sun, moon, stars, trees, vegetaion, creatures, flowing oceans, are no means to an end, but simply are. To be present is nothing special. No superior or inferior exist. Relax. Struggle falls away.  Being here now is all that is real.


Tune into Harmonic Resonance

Notice deep in DNA, it is known that to go against the harmonic resonance of the universe is a path to self- destruction. Unconscious and conscious paths exist to self- destruct. Through the ages, we may think we have met strangers on different paths. Yet, if we do not don’t know ourself, we get deja-vus or feel we have met others, even enlightened masters before. Enlightenment is true nature. Where one loves deeply enough, all experiences, which are momentary, even the shadows, the reflections, are revived because the energetic taste is the same. Only the filters change or dissolve to reveal what is and never changes.


Take another Quantum Leap

Notice a quantum leap is a relatively new term in modern physics. It invites us to recognize unique experiences of evolution. As it is, evolution is widely assumed to be a slow process. Yet, a quantum leap cannot even be called fast. Its instant. It is like we disappear from one point, stage or life situation and appear in another vibrational state, at a different point or a different stage. 
And yet, electrons disappear from one point and reappear at another. As one comes to understand energy flow and realizes matter can take instant jumps beyond space-time, it dawns that we are also energy and have unlimited potential. So, as one develops the will, the courage, regulates energy, vibration and consciousness, anything is possible. Options exist to deepen the journey.
Some humans move instantly from sleep to awakening with alarms. A similar experience can occur from spiritual sleep to spiritual awakening. Only, the device or means to allow this to occur may differ. Some may use a progressive path of meditation or spiritual practices or psychedelics as a springboard. The pace is relative to readiness. There is no better or worse way to rediscover true nature. The direct experience of energetic shifts changes with consciousness.



Recall the Most Essential Thing

Notice collective human evolution is most essential. What is the most effective way to evolve? Advaita Vedanta and other traditions echo the ultimate purpose of being is to hasten evolution into greater possibility or expand consciousness.

This is not a competition. Awakening to the true being is about remembering the forgotten meaning of temples, pyramids, cathedrals and structures that we are taught exist to mediate between us and the divine or be tourist attractions. Deeper remembering echoes they are portals into our true divine nature. They are stepping stones to living on a soul-guided life of universal principles.

To recall forgotten purpose, original means of how and why these structures were built, transforms the way we educate ourselves, how we view ourselves, how we come to re-activate dormant systems and function at optimum levels.

Be brave. Shift out of conquest mode. Temples and sacred places are not simply monuments, not what we are led to believe. Intuit the way to the heart. Tune into interdimensional energetic centres that guide us back into resonance.


Sound healing to re-align well-being

Many people are growing aware that breathwork can be a useful tool as part of a healing journey. 

Yet, you may not be aware of how powerful sound healing therapy can be as it combines breathing practices with healing sounds, energetic vibrations and frequencies.

Chanting and mantras involve vocalisation of tones. This chanting or repeating mantras is another ancient form of sound healing that can be combined with playing crystal healing bowls or tibetan bowls. The rhythmic vibrations produced by chanting are believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and can be incorporated into meditation practices.

Chanting and mantras are observed and felt to enrich wellbeing. They may promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance focus by engaging the mind with rhythmic vibrations. Some cultures and traditions suggest that specific sounds or mantras can harmonise energy and contribute to overall mental and emotional balance.  Many individuals find personal benefits from incorporating chanting and mantras into their wellness practises.

Beyond traditional instruments, music itself can be a powerful healing tool. Music therapy encompasses various approaches, including receptive and active forms. Receptive therapy involves listening to music, while active therapy involves creating or performing music. Both have been proven to promote healing and relaxation. The diversity of instruments available can complement different kinds of meditation (i.e. yoga nidra) and kriyas.

Overall, music therapy has shown positive effects on mental health, promoting relaxation, and facilitating emotional expression. Further, it has been shown to aid in physical rehabilitation, alleviate pain, and support individuals dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The personalised and non-verbal nature of music therapy makes it accessible and effective for many people.

If you feel you would benefit from sound healing, there are many ways to explore options. You may be drawn to in-person group events or personal healing sessions.   Contact me about breathwork and soundhealing services. A new Youtube channel will soon be emerging to showcase some of my approaches to sound healing.