Ease into a life of pure joy

Many people will ask themselves what it requires to live differently than they currently do. Human beings often detect restlessness. Part of you is poised to do something about your own. After all, what makes it so hard to change? What prevents you from accepting guidance? Choose to ease into a life of joy;
1) Allow harmony to reign. Effortless energy is at work beneath the surface. Tap into that and it gushes out to remind you of the power of your free-flowing, creative spirit.
2) Open your heart wider. The art of giving and receiving love is an expanding process. It strengthens your immune system, brings renewed mental and physical strength, awakens deeper compassion and peace. Love offers so much that does not yet enter your mind. What you do not register is very real.
3) Choose to trust first. This means you do not opt to trust out of fear. Human beings lie out of fear. You can decide not to be influenced by fear, not to give away your inner power. Learn not to judge or desire to do harm, even when others do not necessarily follow your lead.
Reader Comments (8)
I am right now on #3 "Choose to Trust First". Lately I have been catching lies I tell myself. I believe as I uncover the underlying beliefs, I can stop telling myself these stories.