Sound the voice of Happiness

After Bankei had passed away, a blind man who lived near the master's temple told a friend:
"Since I am blind, I cannot watch a person's face, so I must judge his character by the sound of his voice. Ordinarily when I hear someone congratulate another upon his happiness or success, I also hear a secret tone of envy. When condolence is expressed for the misfortune of another, I hear pleasure and satisfaction, as if the one condoling was really glad there was something left to gain in his own world.
"In all my experience, however, Bankei's voice was always sincere. Whenever he expressed happiness, I heard nothing but happiness, and whenever he expressed sorrow, sorrow was all I heard."
For further Zen koans, consult for example;
"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain." -Kahlil Gibran
Reader Comments (7)
One's authenticity is reflected in ones speech. Is the person balanced. Is what is being said match with one's personal energy field. Are they being true to themselves as they speak. Is the masculine and feminine output match what is not seen that is being transmitted from the body. Is someone in self denial. etc.
So true.
Sad when read like this.
What do you suggest to overcome such responses?
What you say
What you think
What you believe
What you do
So for me authenticity is when all of those 4 align. I often close my eyes when someone is talking so I can feel better. The feel is sometimes more genuine than the words.
As we all awaken, these intuitive powers become razor sharp allowing only honest, open, heart communication. And having no desire to be with or listen to anyone who is not being authentic or as I say where the vibrational lines don't agree.