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10 Alternatives to shift fears of 2012

Lots of researchers predict 2012 will bring the end of the world. Hurrendous upheavals are foreseen. What if 2012 does not turn out to be what humans fear? Consider these 10 alternative possibilities to shift fears of from the most pessimistic, highly speculative and controversial visions already proposed;

1) Energy is eternal and will not disappear.

2) A galactic superwave will open a bridge between worlds.

3) Hopi Indians predict human beings will reach a crossroads. They will have to choose between two worlds: one where they are consciously in touch with their true selves and an alternative place for those who cannot celebrate change.

4) Fearlessness is to emerge with renewed strength.

5) Awareness opens new levels of self-understanding.

6) Aspects of physical existence align with spiritual energy.

7) Magnetic pole reversal will transform human perception.

8) A wrinkle in time and space is to open and unzip matter.

9) Alchemy will transform reality and link synchoncities.

10) Transpersonal events will magnify the Higher Self.


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Reader Comments (26)

Hi Liara,

Isn't it a shame how fear is perpetuated throughout the moments of life? We are faced with fear at every turn, from what we hear on the news to what researchers discover that will kill us and the list goes on.

We must replace fear with love and love that in which we fear. There is a natural energy shift when we live life with no fear.
April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, your reminder of the power of love is heart-warming. To realize love is all there is enables human beings to disperse the fog. Love is energy in its purest form, yet it is also formless, all-seeing. What you believe is manifest. That is, it takes shape in your life. You create a multidimensional portal or gateway with your thoughts. Whether you choose to leave the familiar to realize a destiny is not the issue, but when. Every energy being experiences periods of separation and initiation from Source before returning to what is. You have choices to journey through dimensions defined, named and ordered, to places beyond and back. Insodoing, you heal the soul and empower others to do the same. You transcend waht is required for maturity and consciousness to grow.
April 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Things are pointing in the direction in which the world and how how we operate within it will change. Therefore, the world as we know it will come to pass and transition into something new and maginficent.

1) Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It is a system in which everything is constantly recycled. Therefore, we should try to learn to engage in recycling in the moment when energy seems to be in transition. When a thought or an idea or a feeling has served its purpose, it is time to let go of it. Otherwise, stagnation and an energy block will be created and dis-ease will result.

2) Many bridges of all kinds will be created. My personal universe will bridge with other individual universes or people or energies, creating partnerships on an exponential level. Bridges between dimensions will be established. People will become more conscious in the dream world and will bring back ideas and concepts to manifest and establish within this world.

3) New jobs will be created. New ideas will be lived. The change will be only as easy as we all allow it to be. If we learn to follow our hearts, then the change over will be pleasant. Those who hold on to old and constrictive paradigms of operation will feel as if there world will have ended.

4) A positive attidude will result in living at a higher altitude. Excitation will result from people participating in the things that resonate with them. People will lose fear, because we will gravitate where are hearts belong.

5) As new ideas and ways of perceiving become the norm, we will be able to see patterns and inter-relationships in everything we do. This will be seen as people will become more intuitive and can see the answers to questions more clearly. People will begin to operate more in alignment with synchronicities.

6) People within society will start being more creative by accessing their soul objectives. What they plan to do hear before they are born will be implemented easier, because society will encourage the development of one's full potential.

7) In some aspects, one can describe that human beings live in a negative realm. As we pass across the galactic center line we will be living in the positve side of the battery.

8) Since people will be more in alignment with what they want to do or what they were designed to do, the concept of time will shift. Things will be easier to create and will be done with pleasure and ease at its own pace. This system will be even more effecient than the present system.

9) Alchemy is like cooking. New ways of cooking are in vogue now. We are mixing ingredients in new comboinations, creating new and original masterpieces. This will be done on every level of the creative process. Everything manifested will be a golden product.

10) Life will come together on so many personal and societal fronts. There are many layers and aspects to the self. As we become more aware, our many faces will begin to emerge into one higher self.

This is our best chance for Utopia. Our collective consciousness creates the world we live in. If we switch it to the positive now, then the transition will be exciting for many. So each of us must do our best to realign our selves towards our heart felt passions. Now is the time, as it always has been.
April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern

1) You are energy. Shape-shifting is possible.
2) One gigantic bridge may be viewed as an interconnecting energy grid or juncture of infinite bridges.
3) Openness, flexibility and surrender permit energy flow.
4) Density and lightness continue to orient molecules.
5) Innovation and creative power constantly expand.
6) Attuning to soul alters awareness of ethereal doorways.
7) Some beings believe heaven is located above them. Others sense heaven lies within. Growing understanding of polarity influences shifts in mindset and emptiness.
8) Energy beings move to revert to timelessness.
9) The Golden Age is to raise awareness of existence of multiple dimensions and nature of their interdependence.
10) Extraneous labels and mindsets are molting to reveal what is. One can call it Utopia, heaven or consciousness. Truth is only ever understood through experience.
April 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear Liara,
Your alternatives are lovely - if 2012 is the end, in reality what you propose would be the start of a very wise and loving new beginning, the way things were meant to be perhaps, rather than they way they were. Your vision is on-course for the way Spirit meant things to manifest...
April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie

To be honest, I do not pay a great deal of attention to predictions about the world ending on a certain date.

If my recollection is correct, there were quite a number of predictions that the world was going to end at the turn of the century.

Of course, these turned out to be completely unfounded, and I would not personally pay a great deal of attention to the predictions to which you refer.

That said, as a Christian, I personally believe that there will be a time of judgment at the end of the world. That said, I have absolutely no idea when that will be - it is possible that such an event will occur during the course our lifetimes, but it is also possible that it may not, I just don't know.

Personally, I am not overly worried about it. The reason for this is that I have faith that my sins have been completely forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross.
April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew
Andrew, as you say, many predictions are offered by human beings who purport to foresee the future. To lose sight of now is to miss the point of existing at this time. What has yet to happen, has yet to happen. No future is ever carved in stone. To choose to value each moment in the now is an exercise in learning to dissolve fear. The inner purpose of a given physical life journey differs from perception of an external purpose. A person exerts effort in expectation of a future result. Yet, if ambition and steps toward creating a future consume more energy than exploring your inner purpose, then you overlook what matters. Its unrelated to possibilities because it is the quality and degree of present consciousness. Inner purpose is what Eckhart Tolle describes as "the vertical dimension of the timesless Now." He describes outer purpose as "the horizontal dimension of space and time." Ideas are relevant to different stages of self-awareness.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Loving Annie, as a person evolves to stop exerting effort to evolve, then attuning to feeling enables a person to connect differently to the truth. Nothing outside of the self can teach you anything that inner knowing does not already contain. If a human being has not yet reached a certain stage of inner awareness, then different approaches to quieting the mind initiate the process to reconnect. All teachings come from the same Source. One master manifests in different forms. What an energy being chooses to believe at a given moment is separate from inner knowing. Every being eventually finds the way home.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I have always thought 2012 would be a period of enlightenment. Actually, not like all at once, but the start. When it's evident that something is 'happening'. This is a great post. Thanks for writing it.
April 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersheila
Something is happening "NOW". Just look at Liara's website. Look at all the positive communication that is being broadcast throughout the internet, even during tough economic times. Look at how everyone is so excited that SPRING is here. Look at all the Mystery Schools coming to the surface and freely giving wisdom that was once hidden. Look at all the mediums and psychics and channelers becoming popular. Look at everyone's individual reactions to life and how they are being compelled to shift due to external and internal forces. The wave of change is here and always has been, but is more obvious and apparent than ever before in our lifetime. This embracing of change and the experiencing of lighter points of views is becoming exponentially clear. We are surfing the new paradigm as we breath in this fresh air.
April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Sheila, the process of enlightenment is ongoing for all. Another way to view present is to ascertain collective fear is dissolving, is losing its hold over people. They are refusing to be bullied by the mind, even snapping out of it. You sense reality is no longer keeping you waiting, but you have been unconsciously preventng the self from remembering reality. Why is that? To grow? As you attune to how you think and feel, you are aware of when you emprison yourself in future thoughts that do not have to happen. To awaken out of a dream is to embrace now.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bernie, as you discern, human beings are increasingly rediscovering the power of presence. This is not just about finding oneself at this moment, it involves, re-aligning body, mind and spirit. Every creature is heightening collective sensitivities, noticing things that went undetected before. Why now? The time is right. Energy is shifting to permit human beings to merge with spirit energies. Call it shiftig polarity, call it what you like. Senses are expanding. This is a process of re-reremebering interdependence, of the growing willingness to be more loving, supportive and attentive of just being.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara,

I believe that this transformation happens to each person when they are ready and indeed it is the end of the world for them as they know it. Perhaps by 2012 there will be masses of people making this choice that it would seem like the end of the world.

Great post, thanks!
April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiruh
Miruh, as you say, the truth speaks through each human being. One chooses when and under which conditions to listen. Often, the perceived crisis or nightmare harness intense energy. To feel taken over by negative situations permits fear to feed on energy. Fear sustains itself on pain. Moving beyond this state is to move past the pain and sense of loss that is not you. Some people sense a space between consciousness and unconsciousness. Choosing to dissolve fear is to create a deliberate bridge, to transmute pain that can no longer stand between the authentic you and that timeless core essence that is love.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hey Liara,

I first heard this theory based on the Mayan calender, misinterpreted to mean that the world will end. I think that Western thought has trained us to think in linear terms rather than in patterns or a circle. A time of great upheaval; a teardown of one system to make way for another...and that's what story I'm sticking with.

Whatever the case, I think we all can sense (admit it or not) that change is coming, it has to.

As is quoted in one of my favorite novels, "The Good Earth," the main character quotes "When the rich get too rich and the poor get too poort, change HAS to happen."

It's a pendulum swing - swings to one extreme and then back again...and this time, I welcome it.

Thanks for your insightful comment,

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersouthernspeak4
Southern, human beings agree change is ongoing. The question that lingers in many minds is how is this affecting the collective and personal discernment process? Will one reach a threshold? Fear and love shape visions.

Shamanic healing is all about restoring the spiritual side of Soul. As this is accomplished, misunderstandings and misplaced emotions vanish. As a person gains insight into electromagnetic energy fields, that person sees beyond the ordinary. Anyone can learn to stretch sensitivities. Every being is processing energy all the time. This is also healing and altering consciousness.
April 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I heard about 2012 as a mark.
I bet 100$ on #5 and 200$ on #6
I read about Mayan Calendar and 2012, about year ago and found out that although the calendar ends in 2012, Maya did not mention it's going to be the end of the world. I think, it's just the end of the current calendar and there's another cycle. It will be wonderful if in the new cycle, people transform and creating new and better world. :)
April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAvatar
Avatar, different human interpretations exist concerning the Mayan calendar. Whenever change is viewed through the lens of fear, the mind is focused on the future and images are bleak and forboding. Yet, when change is viewed through the eyes of love and compassion, the multi-sensual experience is present, rebirth and renewal.
April 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I'm ok with change just as long as my dog can come with me. :-)

I just started reading a book called the Gaia Project. So far, I am both intrigued and freaked out. Who knows what will happen in 2012 but if we play into the fear, it will take hold of us.

Set fear aside and laugh, that's what I suggest.

"You cannot deal with the most serious things in the world unless you also understand the most amusing."
~Winston Churchill
April 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChrista

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