10 Alternatives to shift fears of 2012

Lots of researchers predict 2012 will bring the end of the world. Hurrendous upheavals are foreseen. What if 2012 does not turn out to be what humans fear? Consider these 10 alternative possibilities to shift fears of from the most pessimistic, highly speculative and controversial visions already proposed;
1) Energy is eternal and will not disappear.
2) A galactic superwave will open a bridge between worlds.
3) Hopi Indians predict human beings will reach a crossroads. They will have to choose between two worlds: one where they are consciously in touch with their true selves and an alternative place for those who cannot celebrate change.
4) Fearlessness is to emerge with renewed strength.
5) Awareness opens new levels of self-understanding.
6) Aspects of physical existence align with spiritual energy.
7) Magnetic pole reversal will transform human perception.
8) A wrinkle in time and space is to open and unzip matter.
9) Alchemy will transform reality and link synchoncities.
10) Transpersonal events will magnify the Higher Self.