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Reach inside for the key

Analysis of dream submitted by P.

Dream- Herse driver stands on a beach beside trailer towing a dingy.  A man, woman and child leave in a larger boat. Driver waves goodbye, then, realizes he does not have a certain key. He drives a distance along the water and keeps family in sight. He heads them off where they have to pass closer to shore. Driver waves his arms to get their attention. The man comes ashore in relatively calm water. He jumps off the boat, gives a key and returns to family. Driver opens trunk and uses key to open the casket. He puts something inside. Then, he tries to run, but feels paralyzed and cannot move.

Name three key issues you grapple with now in waking life:

1) When to have children
2) Legal obstacles prevent freedom to travel
3) Family health issues (life and death matter)

Notice what stands out:

The herse driver represents endings and new beginnings. He transports a casket that symbolically contains something you have outgrown or no longer need. Part of you resists lessons available to help you move on. Deciding to appreciate where you are helps you to sense reasons to stop struggling. If the mind focuses on something or somewhere you are not, you miss the value of just being and opportunity to surrender.

To feel immobilized suggests your unconscious desires are not yet aligned or 'in-sync' with current conscious wishes. When ego mind imagines fear and soul echoes love, this can result in confusion. Misunderstandings about imortality trigger physical experience that humbles you and offer new insight.

Helpful people or guides are never out of reach. Your intution directs you to what you need. This includes family, support systems or, the appropriate moment for certain biological and other life choices. Your thoughts and emotions create your life. Boats symbolize coping mechanisms at your disposal. 

Part of you is ready and willing to confront the unconscious and whatever frightens you. That part is shifting your sense of reality and what is possible. If you are not completely honest with yourself and others about what you really want and how you feel, then you permit fear to control you and obscure truth.

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Reader Comments (4)

"To feel immobilized suggests your unconscious desires are not yet aligned or 'in-sync' with current conscious wishes." So THAT'S what those kinds of dreams are about. Like airplanes that never get off the ground?

Good to be aware of this.
May 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, many theories exist about meaning and purpose in dreams. Each person has free will to choose, adopt or discard external views. For example, Freud's view is that fragments of dream recall distort the true or 'latent' dream. The hidden or latest dream would contain the unacceptable desire that triggered the dream in the first place. As you get-in-touch with your authentic self, what other people say or believe no longer matters. You reconnect with inner knowing and decipher each emotion.
May 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I love this interpretation, very wise and clear understanding of symbols and how they relate to the conscious life.
May 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Mark, the plan to move on psychologically in spirit can encounter obstacles in an unconscious state of mind. Dreams are a wonderful tool that draw attention to the humour and wisdom in everything. Imagine a cartoon. It is always educational to visualize slapstick comedy.
May 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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