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Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in death (20)


7 Reasons we dream of home

Many people share they dream about different houses. Sometimes it involves their own house or an unfamilliar house under construction, or even part of familliar or unknown homes, even dream homes.  Consider 7 reasons you might be dreaming of a version of a home:

1. Ready to integrate early memories.

Recurrent dreams of familiar places imply the dreamer is working through old memories. What is unfolding in your life right now of relevance? Imagine visiting the attic, going through old photos, a process of letting go.

2. Expanding our sense of who we are

Often, when we dream of a previous place we have lived, we may notice something different, but really, it is us who has changed or evolved. You may be in the process of creating a new sense of "home".  If certain house rooms change, or renovations are ongoing in a dream home, that is a mirror of our ongoing growth and expansion on many levels.  Some people also come to feel home is not a physical place, rather, it is where the heart is, and they take it with them wherever they roam.  A feeling of home may be felt outside any structure. 

3. Reclaiming Soul fragments

Dreams of our old home can remind us of lost parts of our soul that are ready to be retrieved and reclaimed. If we find ourselves in a playroom, we may be growing too serious in life and yearn to for more  chill time. Maybe trauma happened in this home, and the subconscious urges us to recognize it as part of our healing journey? 

4.  Representing your body

Houses can also be a metaphor for the body, pointing to an area that might need attention. For example, dirty windows are like eyes that are not seeing clearly. Would you benefit from an optometrist visit? Electrical wiring points to the state of the nervous system.  Plumbing echoes state of ingestion, digestion, and elimination (How is your own inner plumbing?).  Basement invites swimming deeper into our ocean of emotions.

5. Children are on the brain

Dreaming of a childhood home may echo visions of security, fulfillment, success that involve children. As we parent, care for kids, or contemplate having our own, many childhood memories, and even wounds, are bound to come up, may even be modelled by the behaviour of children in our midst.  The subconscious echoes what it was like when we were kids so that we come to see beyond our beliefs and behaviours. It can also help deepen existing relationships we develop with kids.

6. Nostalgia

On a basic level, childhood home dreams can also mean we wish some aspects of our lives were like they used to be, especially amidst adult challenges.  Adult responsibilities, relationship/marital issues, bills, laws and regulation, time constraints, sometimes trigger people to wish everything was always taken care of for them like when they were kids.  

7.  Refers to level of maturity

Childish or immature behaviour could also present in our reality. Whether it's you who is behaving childishly or someone you know, it can remind us of our youth, and subsequently, the house in which we lived as kids.  This could also signal the end of an earlier version of ourselves we have outgrown or a nudge to "grow up." Fire, death, and destruction of buildings  and how we respond to house-related crises may seem drastic in a dream, but they are not always so negative.  They can also be symbols of transformation. We are who we are because of all our expeirences and are invited to learn to accept and integrate the lessons in it all. 


Dream Analysis of the Week- Death of what matters


I have had series of dreams about death, dying, losing pets and what matters to me. It leave me feeling heavy, sad. I often wake up scared and vigilent. 


What matters to you at one stage of life will differ from other stages. Prioriities change and we evolve as beings.  Death dream themes can be disturbing and confusing. Rest assured, the theme of death is not literal. Its not a premonition you'll leave your body soon. These dreams refer to parts of you undergoing a symbolic death. Its about resistance to letting go of what no longer serves your soul growth.

What in your life is slowly slipping away? Is it your anger or your lust? Is it a lifestyle or persona you present which feels false or incongruent you grow more authentic? Maybe you are ready to give up on a dream of being a musician or fighter pilot? Maybe you are ready to leave a public role you held for years in order to pursue your dream of running a horse farm. Already moving beyond the familliar version of you, fear what's next? Death could be symbolized by peer rejection, acting "out of character" or not living up to expectations. As we move from a mindset of being a follower to being a leader or our own assertive self, it may be we are shifting percspectives or personas to uncover more of what is real and possible for us now.

When something in us dies, we go through a natural grieving process. To feel sad or miserable is a stage in letting go. How bad we feel is proportional to how attached we have been to an idea, person or situation.  In essence, you are saying good-bye to something you have thought about, known or experienced, moving into a new life or vibrational phase. It may even be a trauma related to something scary that happened ages ago, like falling off a bike, keeps you from riding bikes. To let go of fear allows you to find new confidence.

Come what may, if you are bored, some life situation you have outgrown hinders your soul growth. Death from boredom can be a good thing as you may be detaching from what no longer serves you. If it is someone who is killing you (in the dream), then you may be in conflict about letting go of a relationship or your idea of one that is not happening as you envision. Your narcissistic need for adoration, heavy attention or vision of an ideal romance could be killing your hope for real intimacy. Pay attention on where your mind is and bring it back to the present to recoginze how you feel where you are.

Beyond all the above, the purpose of human existence is to learn to let go of the three great distrations of body, mind and emotions in order to revert to the source of true nature.  Turns out, true fulfillment only arises as we work though our fears and shadows, make them conscious and discover freedom beyond it.  The highest path is learning through our daily life to gradually let go of what is distracting our consciousness from innate peace and acceptance. What matters to ego, to body, mind is what triggers emotions and keeps us clinging to the unreal.

We offer Dream Consulations and other services to explore single and multiple dreams.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Reach a Turning Point

Notice a turning point occurs as we truly walk fully into our own souls. The body of the moment is irrelevant. We allow our moral compass to point us in the right direction. Though the wave may at times be so powerful it flips us over, we can recall how it feels to come right-sideup, come to float or rise. The universe knows the ultimate destination. Signs of the transcendental spiritual metamorphosis surround us. Those tuned into Source heal or align with energy, light. This is felt in touch, words, and creative expression. Magic describes the cosmic science that is not yet consciously understood.

Throught the ages, conscious spiritual explorers are aware that souls are eternal and expand in wisdom through an ongoing series of incarnations in parallel dimensions and timelines. The soul will take a particular form after another, to fulfill a given purpose, and contribute to the collective spiritual evolution and the essence of existence itself. Sometimes souls exchange places, jump timelines, realities or change forms mid-stream. We eah incarnate to bring information forward in unique ways.

Life transforming revelations and shifts occur during some of the most chaotic period in Earth's trajectory. The government corruption, COVID-19, major health, economic and environmental crises, general death of old, can be reframed as stepping stones or growing pains required for rebirth. It is a period of challenging belief systems and comfort zones.

Imagine, even for a moment, that this planet is not what you are led to believe. Your physical senses are not revealing the whole truth. Opening the mind allows us to grow receptive to the broader truth that we are not alone in this universe, galaxy or moment. Gain insight into the nature and autonomy of the cosmic soul and accelerate a deeper journey of remembering.


Grow into a wounded healer

Notice the shaman in pop culture images is widely portrayed as a tribal witch doctor, wearing exotic masks, using rattles, magic or nature spirits to heal others. True shamans beyond media may be misunderstood. Each is a wounded healer; having suffered through adversity and confronted inner demons. Shamans make the unconscious conscious to access innersights and act as an authentic guide for others so they light the way through their own darkness.
In essence, the shaman is a multidimensional seer, traveller, communicator. This being has ability to connect with spirits, animal guides, does things often forgotten by those disconnected from nature. Shamans assist others to release themselves from their own pain. In some ways, a shaman is a soul healer, not a body healer. Yet all division is illusion as body-mind-spirit are already unified.
So, to truly understand suffering, one must also have suffered, know what it feels like. Through trials and tribulation, each being is invited grow, learn, teach. The shaman is divinely guided to share personal lessons with those s/he works with to facilitate healing and vibrational shifts. Integration is journey back to wholeness.
On the path of knowledge, the shaman confronts layers of ego and undergoes ego deaths. It is ego that keeps us wanting more material things, that fuels jealousy, harms our self esteem by making us compare ourselves to others. Many equate ego with identity. By losing sense of self, we see the much bigger picture.
The key is expansion of consciousness. To allow this requires letting go of beliefs we are separate entities and recognizing we all echo one energy source. In this unity, we are much more aware of others feelings, interconnected experiences. By breaking down the ego, the shaman within each of us is able to put to rest selfish desires and focus energies on service. In doing so, the shaman within must die to self, be reborn multiple times. A series of literal and figurative deaths and rebirths shapes the shamanic path.



Redefine Time between Birth & Death

 Notice a wise being comes to realize that true meaning of life is unrelated to anything that doesn't last. What has meaning is how you use the time you gift yourself between physical birth and death. What do you do with it? Most people do not see existence this way. They often seek to do the most in least time or focus on crossing items off a bucket list. Well, some would ask, what else is there?

We are born crying and often think life is about acquisitions, emotional rollercoasters and denying inner disturbances. If we feel bad, scared, uncomfortable, restless, we will do that which enables us to feel better, reduce pain. We are either clinging to what we think will feel better, or reaching outside for it. Then, we strive to keep it. We resist death unless we experience that which enables us to feel successful, comfortable, satisfied. Irony is, ego is insatiable.
The essence here, is why do we not feel okay? Films like the Matrix echo taking a pill can ease discomfort temporarily, but the root cause of unrest does not go away. Not a single thing we are trying to do in the external will solve what bothers us deep down. Trusted external authorities advise running after compensations or quick fixes for the problem we think we have. Yet, its not a lasting solution. We must deal with the root cause of our loneliness, discomfort, false beliefs. Spirituality is never about getting what you want or avoiding what you don't. Its about finding courage to uncover inner issues. Most people do not want to know about this. Most people are focused on quick fixes for external symptoms.
What if everything is pointing to the option of turning inward and seeing everything as experience without judgment? If we truly aim for lasting joy, turning inward is the only option. This is the source of happiness. When inner disturbance subsides, joy is all. The meaning of life is the experience of life itself, its about aliveness. If we feel whole and complete within ourself, then we can be happy anywhere. There is no loneliness when we know we are energy, interconnected with all. Every experience we have stretches the soul, enables it to grow and come full circle.
When we are okay, the struggle ceases. We can honour and appreciate every moment of our lives.  Many people do not know what its like to not feel fearful and needy.  Yet everyone can also outgrow this.  Every moment can feel fresh and new.  Every sunrise and sunset is like the first one. The experience you get to have is the one you are having. Make the most of wherever you are. That which is unfolding in front of us is where we are meant to focus.  Imagine wanting, fearing and needing are gone.  Be here now.
The reason you have trouble with decisions, is because you think there is something wrong. A spiritual person is experiencing the moment that is in front of him/her.  Life is neither for or against us.  Which part of the quantum field is wrong? Let go of whatever you think you need to be okay.
A wise person awakens and realizes external challenges point to issues going on inside the self. Stop avoiding and compensating for what is imbalanced inside. Stop attempting to control or blame others.  Situations and circumstanes are going to present regularly to trigger us.  Life bothers us until we have worked through all our inner "stuff." Awakening is realizing we have a minimum time between birth and death to expand experiences. We are inviting ourselves to love and honour every moment of existence like the sunset. In this instant, when our stuff is triggered, we can be more open and learn from it all. When we leave this 3D plane, we want to be more mature and evolved than when we arrived.  Every event in front of us has to come through us energetically.  Are you ready to grow, come back to God self? Let go of any lingering feelings you are not ok.

"Birth and death are simply passages, not of life, but of time. " -Sadhguru