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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Revive dormant levels of awareness 

As it stands, not every human being is yet open to what is often described as the inflow of "cosmic consciousness."  Some people falsely believe mystic messages they receive are delusions. Nothing could be further from the truth. This stuff actually stays with you or can be re-awakened if you let it;

1) Reflect on childhood. In the early years, children interact with what adults view as invisible friends, sense the presence of fairies, angels, magical beings and mythological creatures.  Enchanted worlds are within. They never actually leave you. You re-awaken anytime. Reality is multi-dimensional. Although your perception may shift, this does not alter what is.

2) Reconnect with nature.  You may have had pets as a child.  You interact with insects. You watch caterpillars, ants, worms and the like.  The need to survive compels behaviour that defies what Science tells you is possible. Consider the bumblebee. Science tells you its measurements and density are such that it cannot fly. Apparently, nobody told the bumblebee.

3) Sense evolution occurs in an instant. Humans are conditioned to believe it takes years for species to evolve. The distance between how you think and what is real is as far as you choose to believe. When Science tells you incubation periods and lifespans, this is only one perspective. From some vantage points, evolution is instantaneous. Time is an illusion.

4) Stop playing it safe. Listening to the stories of others or sleeping with books does not enable you to raise awareness through osmosis. To incarnate brings the responsibility to gain practical experience. No person skips layers of awareness.  Tapping into inner knowing happens in stages with context.  The divine Source is random order chaos on some levels. Your choices shape your destiny.

5) Unveil your dormant capacities.  Re-lign with the time-traveller side of you that is temporarily disconnected from your core.  Stop repressing your telepathic energy.  You are part of a multi-dimensional being interacting as part of an inter-dimensional race. You are not at all who you appear to be. You are working out karma, dharma and/or misunderstandings.  

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Reader Comments (11)

Number 3 about instant evolution is very new to me. And very powerful. To me it says that we can be the change we hope for by changing our thoughts in an instant. Wow.

And I like what you say about "sleeping with books." For years I'd purchase many books on learning to play guitar but they never really taught me 5% of what I learned from actually placing my hands on the guitar and getting feedback from teachers. And the music is all in me, anyway.
June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
"Consider the bumblebee. Science tells you its measurements and density are such that it cannot fly. Apparently, nobody told the bumblebee."


I seem to be like that bumblebee all my life.
June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMax H
Max, dream experiences are like windows into one's hidden potential. You can do many things that human beings around you will tell you are not possible. External opinion is irrelevant to your path unless you deem it has relevance. External appearances are deceiving. The truth is inside each energy being. Revelations unfold every instant.
June 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, music is a fantastic example. You only ever take in so much via osmosis. Every initiative matters. It awakens dormant knowing inside soul. Effects arise as you channel unseen energy vibration. You open channels of musical inspiration inside you that the conscious self was unaware existed. Everyone "feels their way along," even if they do not own a guitar:)
June 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

Childhood never left me, though it has tried, it still hangs on like a baby clinging to a mother. I like re-inventing my life from the perspective of a child. It seems to work. :D
June 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, human beings are creatures that abide and shift awareness on a tilted axis. Those who choose weave patterns in many worlds. Some souls arrive on Earth though space and time. Those in spirit dimensions need not travel to be where you are. It is said one's highest possibilities are to dream, to create and to truly know.
June 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
hello Liara,

Such wonderful guidance you offer here. To reawaken the abilities within that maybe have not been supported is a huge gift. I shall continue to honor these feelings, instincts and trusting the senses that show me that there are many experiences available at once.

Thank you.
June 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTammie
Tammie, the nature of my book, Self-Deisclosure, is all about encouraging different levels of inner awakening and self-honesty. To open inner sight and expand self-understanding transforms everything you thought was reality. It is not what you think. The unseen teaches you.
June 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We are one with the Earth who gives us all we need to flourish. Seeds do their thing and grow -- producing more seeds, magically.

The leaves are all rejoicing.
June 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
I visited here yesterday on several occasions and I revisited today on several occasions. I visited because through the past few months or so, I've seen your responses on some of our mutual blog acquaintances; and I always value in your comments. Yesterday, I felt particularly bound to come to this site myself because lately I've been feeling non-spiritual; and it is a rather uneasy feeling. I suppose I'm wondering what is the purpose and if there is in fact, a purpose at all. Anyway, I'm delighted that I came here...although I'm still not feeling quite my normal self, I do feel much better - and I'm reminded that what I experience now is only the tip of the iceburg. I seek the answers, but for now they lye dormant, I suppose. At least I feel I can once again open up to my spirit self; perhaps everything will unfold in time. Thanks for freely sharing so many ideas and concepts's really remarkable. I intend to order the book; as I feel you touch areas that are seldom touched in the media of spirituality and other life issues - something that is beckoning me to follow. I was in the midst of writing a book; but about a week or two ago, I seem to have lost creative energies. . . could be the medicine I've been put on for pain -. Sorry about the rambling. . . just needed to release... Again, thanks so much for sharing so freely your gifts. They have helped me with insight in the past, and have been a tremendous peace aide over the course of these two days. Peace, Light and Love to you and yours. . CordieB.
July 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercordieb
cordieb, you may not always be ready, willing or able of using words to describe particular experiences. Be not afraid of what the human side of you does not always understand. Human beings are widely conditioned to ingest information through certain channels. You are taught to use certain senses to grasp certain concepts when this actually blocks out other capacities you have temporarily forgotten. As you grow ready to expand the ways you experience the world, you invite guides and materials into your life to encourage you during the next stage of your journey. You are always welcome here.
July 20, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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