Tap into the teacher within

Human beings are often socially- conditioned to seek outside themselves for answers. They request guidance from religious leaders, counsellors, therapists, New Age Seers and other perceived experts, for insight they choose not to find within.
Now, every person you meet is helpful to you based on your beliefs and what you hope to learn. Every connection has meaning and purpose. When you choose to sense it, everyone and everything is a teacher who encourages you to draw the best out of yourself. Regardless of who you consult and your apparent conditions, you have internal work to do for yourself.
Its a milestone to reach a point where you are willing to acknowledge fear or face reasons for discomfort of any kind. Self-honesty and raising awareness do not come easily to everyone. Be gentle with the self. Write yourself a letter. This need not intimidate you with the requirement of a journal, but you can choose to do that too. Begin with these questions;
1) How do you describe happiness? Do you feel it now?
2) Which experiences enrich you, add meaning to your life?
3) What do you believe you deserve? How do you prevent it?
4) Why do you sense a crossroads? Which lessons beckon?
5) Which situation(s) are you ready to let go of forever?
6) How would the inner voice answer for your subconscious?
Reader Comments (20)
These questions you pose are good at generating thoughts within, especially if we look deeply for the answers, and not just on the surface. There is so much we can learn from the world around us, but it all comes back to us - and what we're ready to learn.
Thanks much for this, my friend. These questions are already starting to bounce around in my head - in good ways!
Happiness is important and yes I feel it. I make sure that I experience it every day, that way whatever day I look back on, I can say that I was happy.
There was a commercial that used to play in England and the slogan was: "Happiness is a cigar named Hamlet."
The point being that we each can describe our happiness even if it is engaging in something that others may not associate with happiness.
Happiness is also reading your posts my friend. :D
Each one of those 6 questions could have 5,000 word answers, dear Liara - they are very thought provoking...
For me, the teachers I have sought had to work hand in hand with being willing to learn and incorporate the information that brought those 'a-ha' moments, minute(tiny) and huge alike...
It IS important to not listen to words that lead you astray, and for that, you need to use your discernment.
I liked this post very much. Sometimes we think we know our definitions of happiness, etc and really all we have are just a bunch of random jumbled thoughts/ideas that we received from others. I decided to do this exercise before posting and it was good to write my definition of happiness. To me, happiness is a carefree ease, complete and utter acceptance of myself and the present moment which gives me a feeling of freedom. I recently experienced this and it was so sweet, but difficult yet for me to sustain. When I answered question #6, I learned my ego still likes to hold on and create resistance due to the perceived need for control. I believe releasing this resistance just takes constant awareness to recognize the resistance.
I love reading others comments on happiness .. I know I'll be back with my own version in due course.
Thanks .. I think I'll leave the letter writing for now - I write enough to relatives and friends and can't get my head round other thoughts ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
I love this idea. Write a letter to myself... I used to journal, now I blog.. but blogging misses that personal "just for me" aspect to it and this reminds me of the value of journaling. It is really amazing, when we start talking to ourselves in dialogue, what comes out. I have had some incredible written "conversations". Fabulous. Looking forward to talking with you in person! (Well, virtually anyways!)