Learn to see though your choices

Human beings often mistakenly believe that they are their choices. In reality, individual choices do not reflect who you are. You are not your lunch. You are not your job. You are not your partner. You are not the book you are reading. This is part of a process of learning to see through your choices.
You get stuck when you assume external things are you. As you dissolve the fear of separating from or losing these things you feel are you, then you start creating or, focus more inner energy on creating. You shift the flow of energy to permit your true self to blossom. The nature of your thoughts and feelings invites you to set yourself free. How do youbegin the process?
1) Trust that every choice is a teacher. Some emotions are based on misunderstanding. Those that promote love are real.
2)Engage mind and spirit to co-create. Take responsibility. Be willing to follow the direction guided by intuition.
3) Reconnect with your core self. Distance yourself from any person or situation that evokes negative energy inside you.
4) Be aware of beliefs and effects. Release what does not serve you. Recognize thoughts and feelings shape your destiny.
Reader Comments (11)
So I guess I really need to work on giving. But why is it so hard for me to comptemplate parting with these beautiful books? I know they're just things, and many I may not have not actually looked at in years. But still, I know I could sit and enjoy them if I wanted to.
I think individual choices reflect who we are in the spilt second of the moment, but they are not permanent because we are unraveling at an evolutionary rate of speed.
As long as we are aware that we can make good permanent choices then we are on our way to balance.
Thanks for opening up those doors of thought ..
Hilary Melton-BUtcher
Positive Letters
This sounds a bit like dream interpretation to me. To see that a choice is a reflection of something inside. Perhaps its not all that important, but information we can learn from. As always, an inspiring post. Thank you.
On my blog you commented: If you believe you have multiple souls, you begin to recognize you are on mutliple paths simultaneously.
I never considered multiple souls. Do you mean that I (we) may have many souls and in different places all at once? Gosh, I seem to have plenty to take in right here and now. I don't doubt this idea at all though.