10 Ways to access your answer

At this moment, you have unanswered questions that invite new attention. This is an opportunity for an exercise in raising consciousness. Follwo these simple steps to access your inner answer;
1) Know you have capacity to control your mind.
2) Take the time to clear your head and meditate.
3) Ask the universe the question that comes to mind.
4) Picture the question in symbols and feel sensations.
5) Allow the answer to flow into the mind.
6) Do not doubt but process thoughts freely.
7) Transcribe whatever images, feelings emerge in you.
8) Trust significance is found where you choose.
9) Love and accept yourself and the whole process.
10) Be grateful for everything, everyone and energy.
Reader Comments (14)
My next day off is this coming Monday, when I will follow the process you describe above. I am too near the source up till then. In the quiet of Monday, I will try to find the answer.
I've witnessed myself experiencing a scenario where I'm in a "place" where I know I could choose a different perspective. And yet I find myself resisting. It's as if I'm "supposed" to be in THAT space. So I guess the answer is to ask what is in there that I need to look at. Still it frustrates me when I appear to be at the mercy of my mind, rather than the other way around. I'm suspecting that there is mind and emotion conflicting here.
Accessing answers is as easy or as hard as we want it to be. The best way that I have found is to question the questions? If we determine why we are asking, then we will more than likely stumble on the answers.
"Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers."
~Rainer Maria Rilke
I do think I need to love myself more and trust the process.
6) Do not doubt but process thoughts freely.
feels like a profound step in this process.
let rise
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing!