Move beyond assumptions

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
There is a Zen teaching story about a student who comes to the Master and tells him, "I'm getting really bored with just feeling my breath coming in and going out all the time. Don't you have a meditation practice that is more exciting?"
The Zen Master replied, "Well, yes. You are now ready for a greater teaching. Follow me." And so, the Master led the student into a courtyard and approached a large barrel of water. "Gaze into the barrel," said the Master. As the student eagerly leaned over and peered in, the Zen Master suddenly pushed the student's head into the water. Being quite strong, the Master was able to hold the student under the water for quite a while, even though the student struggled desperately.
Finally, the Master let the student come up for air, and as the student gasped the Master asked, "So... is that breath boring?"
We are often taught to crave drama and struggle, yet do we really need them? We are also taught to believe the breath is "nothing special." After all, it happens without us. However, as we pay closer attention to the breath, recall what it is to breathe consciously, we move beyond boredom, into what we deny or overlook. In fact, as we focus on the breath, we engage in what truly matters, and what we seek is 'in plain sight' or 'in plain breath'.
While breathing exercises are growing in popularity, the rhythm of the breath itself is a language that can be decoded. Insight we gain has potential to positively impact our lives. What is it you desire most? To reclaim power? find new confidence? Be more accepting of who you are?
It is as if the answer or solution we seek has hidden Itself in the most obvious place. What are we ready to see about the nature of our choices? Which stage of awareness are we willing to reach?
Pinpoint the questions that linger in your mind. Focus on the body. Allow yourself to experience the aliveness and energy flowing through. The aliveness is held in the body form by consciousness. The mind is what identifies the questions and seeks answers. be aware how the mind operates. It is always thinking because this is its nature. Who is aware of the body-mind? What makes you aware that you think? You really do not know. Let silence answer all questions. As you explore what is real, you explore the feelings. The mind cannot answer as it plays tricks.
The mind asks questions. It creates processes and ideas as a means to answer them. The mind is unaware that exerting effort to dream, to confirm its vision and reinforce its identity, is actually a way of slowly letting go of all that it thinks is real.
Everything is taking place in the presence of something that merely sees. It is always here even when attention is focused on concepts, on changing ego self-views, priorities, and questions. It is always possible to release all that stands in the way of being that which cannot be lost, all that does not change. Notice what happens as questions arise that cannot be answered. Energy and attention shift. Without consciousness, nothing exists. This cannot be understood. That which sustains being, that which exists beyond all questions, is not invented. Close eyes and see.
"The one who starts the inquiry does not finish the inquiry but is finished by the inquiry." -Mooji
Different angles and vantage points give you the ability to expand perspective. Notice how open you are to listening to diverse views. Find the right perspective and the answer arises. You begin to see what is always available to you. It is often useful to consider a situation from a broader perspective. What you see and what you are not yet seeing is closer than you think. Every question you ask is already answered.
In essence, deeper knowing exists everywhere. Everything is interconnected. Nobody can bring this to your conscious attention. Confirmation arises within when you are ready and receptive. It all part of the the big dream that speaks to you. Layers of dreaming make up your life. Every thought and feeling is as real as you decide. Touch the face of the stars. Do what feels right. In the wink of an eye, the opportunity is over.