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Gregg Braden & 31 Belief Codes for healing

Gregg Braden encourages everyone to move to a mental place where they raise awareness and grow more awakened to their own misperceptions and reasons behind them.  This touches on the hightened perception linked to the 2012 phenomenon.

Braden advises how each human being has inner power to shatter their own conception of false limits. In his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Disbelief, he explore these 31 belief codes in great detail and its truly worth reading;

1) Experiments show the focus of attention shifts reality.

2) We live based on what we believe, limit and create.

3) Science is one language that describes things as they are.

4) Particles we're made of interact instantaneously, bilocate and change the past through present choices, and so can we.

5) Beliefs can change energy flow and events in the universe.

6) Perceived existence is actually a series of energy holograms.

7) All energy is "on" (physical matter) or "off" (invisible waves).

8) Nature repeats patterns to build all you perceive or not.

9) If the universe is compised of repeating patterns, grasping small things is a window into the bigger picture.

10) Belief is a 'program' that creates patterns in reality.

11) What we believe is more powerful than what others accept.

12) Accept the power of belief can transform everything.

13) Belief creates certainty based on thought and feelings.

14) Belief is expressed in the heart, where experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact withe the world.

15) Beliefs and feelings speak a quantum language to create.

16) The subconscious is larger & faster than conscious mind. 

17) The most deeply-held beliefs are hidden in subconscious.

18) During what are perceived as greatest challenges, deeply held fears/ beliefs are exposed and avaiable for healing.

19) Belief in unresolved hurt arises in harmful, physical effect.

20) Soul pain translates into diminished spiritual quality of life.

21) Principles that permit self-injury are reversed to self-heal. 

22) Belief in a unifying force or opposing ones, shapes you.

23) Choose relationship with light and darkness to heal the rift.

24) A miracle possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25) You create and experience realities you conjure in mind.

26) In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity.

27) Key is to consciously become an experience you choose.

28) People tend to experience what they identify with/ believe.

29) Both logic and miracles open inner channels to beliefs.

30) To alter beliefs, shift awareness to many new possibilities.

31) No need to explain how or why something works, just be consciously willing to accept what it brings to your perception.

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Reader Comments (14)

Interesting; it's worth a read. In my experience, any and all beliefs cover up Truth--even the ones that are seemingly beautiful. When we can release all beliefs, without judging or preferring, what is left is love and the joy of being--those are not beliefs.
Gregg Braden is excellent and this book is worth reading. Thanks for sharing this valuable tool.
August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark
I'm starting to understand some of these. I'll check his book out. It feels so fun to find new *light filled* information
August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
Annie, loving thoughts have a higher frequency than negative beliefs. You have a soul consciousness that is expanding as you begin to remember and tap into inner knowing. To feel the warmth of love vibration empowers you to raise the self up to a vibration of greater harmony. This enables you to step back, sense energy and reframe every force. You have choices to raise consciousness and take steps to ascend to a plane of higher awareness. Critical junctures remind you that you are never alone. Shifts are already happening. As you awaken to your greater being, a sense of time dissolves and something powerful expands within. Find heaven within or not. Its your choice. Detach from the drama or contribute to it.
August 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, Gregg Braden invites readers to realize that the focus of their energy contributes to what is perceived and experienced. The vibrations of the world as you know it are changing. We are raising awareness. We will move to use more of our innate consciousness. To have physical experience in the third dimension empowers you to move toward other dimensions, based on lessons you choose to learn and whether you choose to detach from the drama. As you grasp positive results that unfold from focusing on love, you are empowering the self for the unforeseen.
August 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Kaushik, every energy being is learning what it means to go within and follow the heart. It is a process of learning how to listen to soul. This is about strength you gain from attuning to changing energies. It is your choice. Every person has a unique experience related to the ascension process. You observe, participate or respond another way. How you come to perceive and interpret your own belief systems has everything to do with rediscovering who you truly are. People are learing about lower and higher vibrating realities, where they are and how they can shift.
August 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I choose to find heaven within and maintain that loving awareness.
August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
It is one thing to understand conceptually that belief creates your reality, and another to live it. This is a great reminder of what is possible. NOW I just need to put it into action! Thanks again, Liara, for all that you do!
August 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy Jewell / Cirklagirl
Hi Liara,
I have a lot of respect for Gregg Braden. Thank you for sharing his beliefs here!
August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodi at Joy Discovered
Amy, moving to that mental place where you choose to visualize more consciously is part of a meaningful process. One view is that human beings exist to learn what it means to experience things in practice. This gradually invites each person to expand on different energy levels and be more open to sensing in new ways. Thus they are empowered to transcend beliefs that hold them where they are.
August 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jodi, Gregg offers thought-provoking ideas and invites people to decide whether or not these ideas resonate or not. As you honestly step back and choose to experience the nature of energy vibrations at your disposal, you are equipped to make the right choice for you.
August 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
"In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity" I had recently read that on another blog too. It is amazing, so much mind power within.

And mind power can be as simple as choosing a smile instead of a frown.

Happy day to you, Liara!
August 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, every cell and particle of energy is conscious and perceiving. To sense how infinite levels of activity are ongoing on transforms how you experience existence.
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Jodi, to move from beliefs into a place of knowing unfolds through direct experience. Turning inward allows the truth to reveal itself. The ah-ha moment requires no proof.
August 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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