Barbara Joye & Interview on soul reconnection

To be aware of Barbara Joye and her work is to sense she empowers people to strengthen ties with the inner self. She is known as a soul-connection therapist and Intuitive re-invention life coach and invites people to explore their beliefs.
Her work enables clients to better understand their present life conditions, and to learn what it means to deepen connections with non-physical realms and Angels. We appreciate she takes the opportunity to share her inspirational reflections.
Thank you again for the lovely questions.
Please share with readers what you do, and how you came to be on this path.
After 26 years in Corporate ranging from finance to sales it became obvious that to assist individuals discover their passion and how to live that passion I needed to shift my focus from the world of corporate activities to the world of inner activities. In making this shift, I became a licensed hypnotist, a certified life coach, and a certified past life and between life regression therapist. This lead me to connecting with individuals in the physical and also in trance states.
As I believe in ‘practicing what I preach’, I continued to do my own inner work. In doing this, and in following my clients into their trance state, I opened what I will call a larger channel with my higher self, soul self, Angelic Realm, etc. This opening has led me further down the path I am on to a connection with the Angelic Realm that lead to the communication and creation (co-creation) of the book, The Light Won.
What are three meaningful things clients teach you?
Firstly, my clients teach me about the expansiveness and unlimitedness of the spirit world and our own soul connections.
Secondly, my clients continue to teach me how different and varied our paths are and how wonderful and critical those differences are in the greater schematic.
Thirdly, teaching my clients continually provide me is how blessed and honoured I am to be doing the work I am doing and how very beneficial the process of connecting to our higher selves is in the living of our own physical lives.
What exactly is ‘The Light Won?’ How do you gain insight into it?
‘The Light Won’ is a tutorial in co-creation. With this said, it is a book that takes the reader though the process of how to determine what they are really willing to shift in their lives and then to determine which belief or beliefs to shift/adjust or enhance to create the lives they truly desire.
We gain insight into The Light Won by exploring our lives and the beliefs which run our lives. We also explore what we are committed to and what we are willing to change in our lives.
Beliefs are insidious, meaning they are running our lives without us realizing what we believe. It is only by understanding what those beliefs are, determining how they are impacting our lives, and then creating the changes in those beliefs we have determined appropriate to change that we are able to create the lives we desire.
What prevents people from experiencing this?
And, as the Angelic Realm stated, the vast majority of humanity does not make the changes in their lives they truly desire because they are not willing to let go of the known. In other words, we don’t make change because we are scared of how that change may reverberate through our lives to create additional changes. Said simply, we would rather stay with the norm and ‘whine’ about our lives than make the changes we desire and allow all of the benefits of those changes to bless our lives.
Who would benefit from your book with the same title? What is its purpose?
Anyone who wishes to change their life would benefit from this book. It is written in a conversational language as if the reader is speaking to their own higher guidance (no matter what that guidance be called) so it is available to all individuals, no matter their belief or spiritual persuasion.
The purpose of The Light Won is to provide humanity with the process for discovering the beliefs impacting their lives. It is the solution not yet provided in books like ‘The Secret’ and ‘Ask and It Is Given’. It is provided in very easy language and very understandable steps. Its purpose is to allow all of humanity to live the lives their Soul came to experience. It is just that simple and just that complex. And we have to do our part to make the beauty of this book shine forth. The Angelic Realm is willing to support us – they are not willing to do our job for us.
What is ‘The Belief Continuum?’ How does this contribute to human perceptions and outcomes?
The Belief Continuum states in very simple terms: Beliefs, which are held in our sub-conscious and unconscious and which have been created in this lifetime as well as other lifetimes, create Positions which are the manner in which we approach a particular event or person or concept. These Positions then create Mentalities, which are the way we think or speak or act toward anything (in fact, everything).
Our Mentalities then lead to the outcomes that occur in our lives. How we perceive a topic, individual, concept, outcome, and/or life is all based upon our Beliefs about the topic, individual, concept, outcome, etc. Our beliefs create our perceptions and then the outcomes in the lives we live. Beliefs are insidious – deeply below the surface of our conscious – and thus, we often state that we believe one thing and in fact truly believe another. It is only by listening to our thoughts and seeing the outcomes in our lives that we are able to truly uncover beliefs running our lives.
Why do people tend to make choices that maintain familiar, physical life experience?
It is the opinion of the Angelic Realm, who co-created the book, that we tend to make choices that maintain our familiar life experiences (no matter how frustrating or demeaning those experiences may be) due to our fear of not fitting into the world we have created. It is this fear, which is linked to the relationship we have each developed between our Ego and our Soul which keeps us from changing the beliefs that no longer serve us and thus keep us from living the lives we purport to crave.
The questions we intuitively ask ourselves when we are considering making a change in our lives, whether we do it consciously or not, is what will happen to our existing life. Sadly, we often step back from the edge of the change and return to the norm due to our fear of what might change.
Which experiences have prompted you to take new levels of responsibility in this life?
The most notable experiences which caused me to take new levels of responsibility for my life are those I have had with my clients. When I am able to hear from more than my own guides speaking about this time of change and the need to step up and take accountability, I am convinced that it is what is appropriate and in alignment.
Secondly, experiencing the energies that co-created the book, The Light Won, and asking them questions about the upcoming time of change was very impactful. Although none of those discussions ended up in the book (as there are many other books which address this explicitly) it did become apparent that it was time for me (and the many) to step up and become responsible for our own lives.
Finally, although not least by far, is the fact I have stepped to the edge, taken the leap and found that not only did I survive the experience, but life was better. And, as the book states, once we have taken this leap, we are more likely to take it again.
How do you understand ‘Divine Timing’? What do you learn about timelessness?
I have come to understand ‘Divine Timing’ as the timing that takes into account much more than we can perceive or anticipate from the vantage point of a physical life experience. ‘Divine Timing’ is the timing that supports all of the changes, elements, and individuals impacted by a change intended by one or more individuals. It is orchestrated from the Angelic Realm. And, I have been notified more than once, they have a much better vantage point, a much larger awareness, of the impact of one change than any of us do in a physical experience.
This taught me about the aspect of timelessness in the physical realm. We all often think we know what is best and then set timelines to accomplish that which we believe to be appropriate. From the vantage point of timelessness, our machinations are not only silly they are often not in support of The Divine/The All. Timelessness is about having an event or series of events or an outcome occur in its appropriate time.
(Note: Timelessness is not about it not occurring – rather it is about it occurring in alignment with The Divine and with that which is in the best interest of the majority.)
I also learned that we can make outcomes occur according to our timelines and that in doing so, we often miss the expansiveness and benefit the ‘Divine Timing’ would have brought to the outcome. As difficult as it is, I attempt to align myself with ‘Divine Timing’ these days.
Which of your own beliefs have outlived their value? What leads you to think this way?
The first belief that had outlived its value was the belief of who I am. In this writing I have learned a great deal about the limitations we all place upon ourselves and the lack we live in due to those limitations.
A second belief that I found had outlived its value is of the need for me to control everything. I have a very well developed left brain as well as a delightfully developed right brain. I have lived the majority of my life with my left brain determining time lines and action items, etc. I have let go of the belief that nothing will happen if we don’t make it happen and have replaced it with the belief that if I follow the guidance I receive (as it shows up on unexpected calls and opportunities) many more ‘doors and windows’ are opening up to me. My job is to walk through them no matter what my perception of the outcome may be. I have learned I simply do not construct a plan as creatively as The Divine!
Which approaches have you found success with to shift mental programming?
I have found success with one primary process and it is as follows:
The first step to success is to recognize it as mental programming. This is where the ‘Mentalities’ in the belief shift process come in. If you have an outcome you do not prefer, listen to your Mentalities, your mental programming, to determine if you like the program that is running.
The second step is to determine which program you want to have running.
Then decide if you are willing to allow the changes that will occur in your life if you ‘shift’ that program.
And finally, uproot the belief that is holding that program in place (which you will most likely hear in the Mentalities) and make the shift. I believe this is what the power of positive thinking does in a rather more elongated progress.
How do dream experiences strengthen your connection to non-physical beings?
In my dream experiences additional information would often become available to me during the writing of the book. It was not unusual for me to spend the first thirty or forty minutes at the computer after a dream experience to enhance the information I had heard the previous day. Dreams are one of the primary communication lines the Angelic Realm, our Higher Guidance; The Divine will use to provide us with information. In psychological terms it is the unconscious communicating with the conscious. In Angelic terms, it is the higher conscious connecting to the physical conscious.
Dreams carry incredible value and worth when we take them seriously and follow where they might lead us, whether into a situation or away from a situation or toward more awareness of what is blocking us from being the individuals we can be.
I have always taken dreams seriously and now take them even more seriously. Due to the connection I have made (and that I believe any soul in a physical form can make) with the Angelic Realm, I often awake and simply ask for additional information or guidance based upon a dream I have remembered. I am finding this to be a truly delightful way to live life.
Share 5 things you would like readers to realize at this moment.
One – Each of us is in control of the lives we lead.
Two – We live in a free will universe so unless we ask, the higher powers are unable to assist us to any great degree.
Three – The Angelic Realm delights in supporting us and in assisting us to live the lives we are intended to live.
Four – That stepping to The Edge and taking the leap is not only thrilling it is life altering.
Five – Read the book, take it in, and then make shifts you are willing to make in your life.
What kind of thoughts would you like to leave with our readers?
I would like to encourage each individual to explore what they might like to change in their life and then believe it can happen if they are willing to take the steps to make the change.
Further, I would like to reiterate the fact that the Angelic Realm stands ready and waiting to support us in living the lives we desire. We are the only ones holding ourselves back.
Step to The Edge – Take The Leap – Live Life in Abundance and Joy!
For readers interested in learning more about Barbara Joye and her work, they are invited to visit her website at
Thanks again Barbara for sharing these uplifting insights with our readers. Much love to you!
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