What does anger teach you?

There is the idea that a person needs to lose the mind before he comes to his senses and learns to experience everything through the filter of unconditional love. If you limit your perception to the physical, then you miss what else there is.
As you evolve to touch on timeless serenity, you begin to sense you have choices about how to view anger and come to realize it is a profound teacher. Its not a thing to overcome, it is an energy to work through. Consider how your perspective on discomfort transforms with you as you listen to the body;
1) You are a mirror for everything. If other people evoke anger in you, then you have unrecognized or unhealed reasons to generate anger within yourself. Notice tension and release.
2) You have choices about what to focus on. You create what you believe in. Exerting effort to control what does not exist actually gives it life. You grow aware of the energetic body.
3) You expand unpleasantness or not. You pay attention on the outside or on the inside. The quality of your life is basically peaceful and joyful unless you choose to focus on the outside.
4) You are unaware of what you do. The body and mind are aware of external things and all this can be unloaded or deconditioned. Everything is everything. You only compete with self for acceptance. The illusion of the other disappears as you detach from 'the enemy' or competition outside self.
5) Your perceived disease stems from separation from self. To get angry and impatient at your state of health and well-being, is a natural thing to draw your attention on habits that would benefit from review. Your belief system desensitizes you to root cases of physical imbalance.
6) Your higher self is nature. Nature speaks to you through unfiltered energy. Your paradigm shifts and when you are open, you accept knowing nothing. You value stages of energy flow.
7) You can view control as illusion. As you sense existence in physical worlds, you notice control is viewed as important. To move to understand who you are, you consciously detach from perceived needs to control. You expand or contract at will.
8) You get angry at the self. There is nobody to blame for negative energy you experience. You project your shadow on others as a stage in raising awareness of who you are. When you do not like something, you separate from them.
9) Your diet may relate. Animals are often fed chemicals, hormones and other unnatural things to grow. Vegetables are also grown in various ways and sometimes pesticides are used. What you eat interacts with your biochemistry and energy vibration. How you feel reflects what you eat.
Reader Comments (12)
We are what we eat, think and vibrate. Anger is a good teacher in that it teaches us what not to do. If we don't allow ourselves to be affected by anger, then we can move through whatever conflict peacefully without attaching anger or resentment to it.
We can deflect all negativity through love.
I found when I make an active decision and release my angry feelings, even when they're clinging to me, my life flows so much easier. I can't I always do this, but I'm working hard to not let anger stick around too long. Thanks, Liara, for this excellent reminder:~)
I also agree with you on diet a lot. I personally have been a vegetarian for the last 13-14 months and starting to eat more on the raw-side. I've honestly never felt healthier throughout my entire life. I'm more happy, energized, and just more at ease. I would say I'm a lot less stubborn, less "anal", and more at ease with everything. The brain (mind) is a component of the human system and diet is the fuel for basically life. You have to properly nourish your body with nutritious food, proper care, and sufficient sleep.
It was a great read! Keep up the good work! (=
I also appreciated what you said about diet. I saw a movie earlier in the summer called "Food, Inc." which explores how corporations have actually altered the U.S. food chain, and thus what Americans eat. When I saw the scenes of animals being slaughtered, I thought, "That terrorized energy stays with the meat." I haven't eaten meat since.
Vegetables - the same thing. My friend grows the most beautiful garden and puts love into everything he raises. I can taste a difference!
Thanks for writing about such an important topic.
Imagine an existence without duality. Imagine a stream of consciousness where human beings no longer sense dense energy like anger. As layers of deception are brought to light, you are experiencing a moving away from it. You are replacing it with deeper compassion, understanding and a sense of consciousness energy you are materializing somewhere else. The collective energy of higher frequency reflects where we have lifted to as a species. You align with people on the frequency you are on. You align with individuals who focus on ego and emotional fragmentation or, those who resonate from expanding heart consciousness. As you work to free mind from fear, you continue to vibrate at a level where you attract new communities and know where you are meant to be vibrationally. You either get there or, you do not.
Imagine being drawn into experiences that are creating a parallel, peaceful universe or dimension where the energy you vibrate creates the perception of a new environment. One is already expressing self in different tones, energies, frequency and vibration. This has implications for genetics and energetics on levels you do not yet consciously register. For additional reflections about related possibilities, check out books; a)Planet 2 by Lynn Grabhorn and 2) The New Human by DeAnne Hampton.