Why learn to disengage?

As you learn to disengage the senses from being wrapped up in the external world, you learn to switch off external perception temporarily. How does it help you? Consider 5 sample ideas;
1) You grow aware of the mind's habit of making assumptions.
2) You realze the acts of labelling & interpreting distort truth.
3) You often judge while still receiving impressions.
4) You sense subtle movement in electromagnetic energy.
5) You discover love and gratitude mobilize energy movement.
Reader Comments (5)
Wonderful samples, wonderful!! I remember first time I learned about this, from Eckhart Tolle. I went out for a nature walk and I noticed exactly what he meant about how our mind wants to label everything. It's insane, really! But wonderful when we can find that stillness inside us and stop the monkey brain from labeling and judging things in that auto-pilot mode. I love your #5--that love and gratitude mobilize energy movement. Makes me want to take a huge breath in and out and smile. Thank you, Liara! Blessings to you!
1) Assumptions lock the mind into place. They are attachments that create barriers from perceiving the world in new ways.
2) Labeling and interrpeting also create attachment points within a circle of perceived understanding. We have a limited point of view. By believing in what we are saying about any particular event that we are experiencing, we get lost and stuck in the issues at hand. They create a static charge that keeps one stuck in a habitual loop. By just allowing the moment to rise and fall one can then lose the static charge and fall throught the center into an expanded universe.
3) This moment is no longer the same as the last moment. Therefore, it is not useful to judge what you are perceiving now to any past event.
4) If one disengages from judgements and attachments, one can shift and change as the environment changes from moment to moment. We then become and feel a part of the greater organism through non resistance. The movement of the energy around you then moves and rearranges the energy freely that is within you. You are renewed and attune to the continued process of energetic evolution.
5) By feeling and adjusting to what is around you, you feel alive with vitality and health and an abundance of energy. Everything becomes effortless. This is a product of true love.
Liara, thank you for letting me know this was here, and Bern, thank you for sharing such insight. I am going to read it again and again to let it sink in. It makes so much sense!