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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What if you choose to believe?

Imagine how your life changes as you choose to believe something with all your heart.  Human beings often fall into the trap of saying, "it could not happen because..." or "I cannot see how it could happen."  This kind of outlook is common.  Remind the self how to rise above self-defeated thinking;

Consider the pro tennis player Melanie Oudin.  Recently in the 2009 U.S. tennis open, this 17 year old athelete surprised many people by reaching the quarterfinals.  She attributes her stellar performance in part to the word "believe" that she has on the sides of her sneakers. This reminds her and everyone else that the power of belief catapults you to incredible heights.

Consider country music singer Heidi Newfield.  Although she is known for her harmonica playing and other roles in the band Trick Pony before she took steps to launch a solo career, not so long ago she was parking cars as a way to make some income.  Her belief in her talent, potential has inspired hard work that catapults her up the charts.  The title of her first album, "What Am I Waiting For" encourages everyone to ask this question in the context of their lives.  What about you?

Consider the pioneering physician Patch Adams. You may have seen a movie with Robin Williams based on this true story . After committing himself to an psychiatric hospital because of thoughts of suicide, he learned he had a gift to help patients help themselves.  He signed himself out, attended medical school later in life, and achieved top marks despite rattling scientific authorities with unconventional healing methods. 

Patch reminds people of the power of laughter and compassion to heal. His non-conformism almost got him kicked out of school.  And yet, not only did he graduate and inspire peers to rethink their relationship to fellow humans, but he lived his dream to build the Gesundheit hospital which helps thousands. His unwavering hope and self-directedness enable him to knw what is possible.  He inspires positive action and as Gandhi says, "become the change you wish to see in the world."

Then, there is the case of Greg Mortenson.  He is the author of bestselling book, Three Cups of Tea.  Years before the book unfolded, he was on a mission to climb K2 to commemorate the death of his sister.  As it happened, he became lost in a remote valley of Pakistan and was helped by strangers.

In return for the kindness he was shown, he promised to return and build a school for girls.  The book is based on a foundation he formed that has enabled him to support the construction of more than 50 schools for girls in remote area. He did not know how his dream would happen, and yet the universe helped him find a way. You are not meant to know the "how." You are meant to believe you can and know it is done.

Now, step back and reflect on where you are and where you are going.  What if you focus your energy and choose not only to believe in the what you are already doing, but also to know what you are? Where is the mind right now? You have seen laughter and tears. Your innersight senses something new.  Your heart and soul always support your journey. What do you believe now? How is your life already changes right in front of you? How is supernatural intervention involved?

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Reader Comments (12)


All of the stories you share are very inspirational and give me a sense of happiness. Belief is a tremendously powerful tool to propel us into seemingly unreachable skies where soaring is the only option.
September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Hi Liara,
You are so right: Before any of us can accomplish anything great we must first have a very good understanding of ourselves and our abilities, and then believe that achieving our dreams is possible and go for it with all that we are.

Re: Supernatural intervention... I think that we arrive on this planet with a general plan of action already in place. Each of us has our own special toolbox of talents and assorted handicaps to ensure we don't miss our mark. And our guides (in spirit & human form) are along for the ride to make sure we encounter just the right people and situations to push us along on our path. Whenever I am unsure of which way to go, I just listen very carefully and watch for signs - they are always there!

Thank you, Liara, for reminding us to believe! Blessings.
September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFelicitas
Alexys, it is a wonderful exercise for anyone to allow the mind to focus on examples of human beings who choose to believe in ways that transform their lives for the better. This is the kind of inspiration that raises energy vibration and encourages people to excel in their own ways. After all, to admire a trait or quality in another person is to awaken temporarily dormant abilities in your true self.
September 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Felicitas, to remember you are already great is a key point of departure. I invite you and other readers to check out this post which echoes ideas expressed by Story Waters;

The supernatural side of things is viewed with love or fear. To learn what is required to dissolve the illusion of fear gives people a very different idea of how formless, unseen worlds are intrinsically helpful. You do not experience anything you are not open to accepting at this moment.
September 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,
It seems to me you post on a 12-hour cycle. How do you do that? :)

This is a great article. I am so inspired by the accomplishments of others and I agree whole heartedly that we are to pursue our dreams relentlessly, and not get caught up in "how" they will happen.
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodi at Joy Discovered
I love this post, and the energy that this idea behind belief brings out! And what great examples of belief put into motion. Wonderful!
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Jodi, thanks for your insights, Jean Del-Potro offers another layer to this story. This 20 year-old Argentinian defeated Federer in the U.S. Tennis Open Men's final to win his first grand slam title. This was an event that many people unexpected. He came from behind because he did not only choose to believe it was possible, part of him knew it. He was present in the moment. He focused his energy in a positive direction and felt he already won.
September 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Lance, a person can choose to believe with the mind or the heart. To believe with the mind tends to involve ego and doubt creeps in. To believe with the heart is to move into a state of inner knowing. This is a place where loving intention drives everything. It is all you really are.
September 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
We must be present to succeed. There is a knowingness that one can accomplish what one sets their mind to. We can not try, because trying brings in the idea of doubt. If doubt is on the mind, then one eventually falls into the heaviness of doubt and the manifestation and wish will not manifest. One must believe with all their heart that dreams come true. Belief can be looked at as laying down an energetic railroad track to one's expected destination. Draw the line high between yin and yang to your destination along the mountain tops and your magnetism will bring you to the expectation. However, if your energy falters through judgment based on past actions or fear, then one falls from the summits edge to the valleys deep below, and doubt suddenly rules the day.
September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, presence is indeed the key to being in the moment. An example worth mentioning is the story of Dan Millman. He is known as the peaceful warrior. He learned he is the master of his thoughts and applying this in practice makes him the master of his reality. As a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor and author, he invites people to connect with the basement of mind. This is how he experiences the nature of mental operation; going deeper and deeper within the levels of soul. Dissolving certain thoughts enables him to see and experience nothing but awareness of moment. He learns how to reprogram the mind and reposition traits. You must move to the area of the mind where you bypass programming. Visualize with excitement that the desire has already happened as part of your past. To convince the mind at deep levels of operation that success is now and to be grateful, makes it your reality. The universal mind willingly cooperates with what you already know.
September 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I was dwelling just the other day that when one becomes excited about something, one's vibration amplifies and the manifestation or wish or desire comes into fruitition.

Your mentioning of Dan Millman is synchronistic too in that his abridged book on tape propelled me into a deeper self exploration. I identified fully with his character and his wish for transcendence into the Moment.
September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, visitors may also resonate with the film, Peaceful Warrior. Transcendence into the Moment is achieved when the universe aligns with a core intention you create that is sincere and unwavering.
September 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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